Fresh out the oven, a piping hot compilations of the best fails from this week! Enjoy a FailArmy Special to start off your weekend!
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That guy threw that water bottle to the moon lmao 🤣
7:01 man needs to get signed by the Detroit lions
Why is the alcohol censored?
ahh gor bless the numb of nutt innit !! ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
7:00 my favorite
@2:33 broke my leg doing something like that on one of those.
Os gordos deviam era partir os cornos….coitado do 🐎 fdxxx…..os outros são tudo uma cambada de coisos
Worst video ever. what child made the editing? He/She need to google the word fail because whatever 95% of this video was i would sum up as people making skits, animals being animals & people having the desired outcome
6:58 Should be on Cringe compilation
I am so tired of seeing really stupid people
6:57 if the English guy is Irish that's definitely a good example of a mad Irish spirit scores a lucky shot.
6:57 waiting for order to be delivered then a thrower accidently hits the delivery guy at the other side.
6:57 when he throws the Water Bottle then accidently hits the guy onto the other side and screams xD.
1:25 Whole long line of normal cars, and he hit the expensive Mustang.
Wtf happened at 4:34 ?
why is alcohol blurred in the vids? new yt rule or what?
I'm begging you to STOP adding your own damned sound effects to videos, please please please stop.
2:32 RKO !!!!
Why do they always blur the drinks? It's just liquid, it's not tits or a dick! What if these people were having mocktails (non-alcoholic beverages), we don't absolutely know alcohol is in those drinks… But yeah, lets blur that liquid because it doesn't look just like all other liquids!
Golfing involves so much murder….do you pick who gets sacrificed before or just let fate decide?
People who launch the bowling ball into the ceiling should have to pay to fix it. So annoying.
Haha, physics in video games are not the same as in reality
Reckless but glorious. She was divine. Maybe intoxicated, but so daring to stand up to the waves and the rocks behind her. She has room in my haunted asylum.
4:08 i genuinely don't understand…just jump over its not that far.
3:45 that is the biggest calendar I've ever seen
Ha ha.
:22 me when someone asks if I was raised in a barn.
1.02…I’ve done that! And it wasn’t my garage….
2:32 JOHN CENA!!!!
I don't consider it a fail when you fall off a tube. That's part of the fun of it, right?
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