If you’re a regular viewer of our Crimes of the Week series, you might remember that a little earlier this year we released a couple of compilations of some of the dumbest criminals and crime stories that we’d covered so far this year. Because so many of you told us that you enjoyed these compilations we promised that we’d make the videos quarterly so that we could include as many of these bizarre and entertaining cases as possible. While we know that we still technically have a little ways to go until we’re officially at the half way point of the year both of us are actually out of town this week for a much needed vacation so we decided to put out this one a bit early rather than simply not releasing anything this week. Be sure to look out for another one of these videos near the end of the week that will be covering cases exclusively from our Crimes of the Week International Series.
One thing to keep in mind is that these segments have not been edited since they appeared in their respective lists, so references to specific days of the week as well as other small details may no longer apply. That being said if you’re missing regular Crimes of the Week though, don’t worry, we’ll be back next week with another video covering all new stories. With that out of the way, let’s get to the video.
#crimezone #truecrime #crimesoftheweek
I’m from Lakeland Fl, and I’m not surprised to see my city on here for some moron. That girl doing what she did in that McDonald’s is honestly pretty tame. That type of thing, and way worse happens here daily sadly.
So many questions.. so little answers.
Fecal assault. Black women have been caught on camera dropping loads in very peculiar places! More than I can count on one hand have pinched off in many store aisles. Parking garage! Restaurant! Sidewalk! And if I remember correctly,two girls one cup was a pair of black girls eating each others dung and vomit.
Hey man don't be talking ish on the filet o' fish.
23:35 The Happy Meal was for Jones, not the Filet O' Fish
The last case, that Tuckson guy, we used to have "nice young men in their clean white suits to come and take them away"! But now we just let them continue with their insanity costing taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars or until they truly go off the deep end and really harm or kill someone!
The guy with the "pet" chicken would not have liked me as a neighbor as this old farm boy loves me some deep fried chicken and I can kill one silently with a simple snap of the head or twist of the neck, and as I'd not want to make a mess I'd simply skin the bird by stepping on its feet and pulling its skin off feathers and all, just like we do with grouse or turkeys when hunting. Then after all the evidence was cleaned up and removed, I'd invite him over for a nice peaceful and CLEAN chicken dinner!
look we got take a break….the world is crazy so want break away from the crazyness…we be back to give you more wackyness
"is this your homework, Larry?"
Was alll good until you went there on the filet of fish …. Filet of fish is a dollar by itself and with some ketchup it’s on point …you just don’t know broke obviously lol
As luck would have it…
Twerker Jones is now wishing to sue the sheriff for picking on her with a few "Mc Jokes" on her behalf
Ruh Roh Raggie
Poopetrator and Public enemy # 2? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Hooray!, I love these! Thank you Nigel & Luke!
Don't you know that when you cover up with a blanket, you become invisible? Duh.
The lady who drove into the concrete had me on the FLOOR 😂 Was she listening to Freebird? I think she was listening to Freebird.
Love how you guys update prior stories. That’s just fantastic. Really does cater to your audience and gives a solid reason to come back. That, I don’t think anybody else does nearly as often.
Keep it up fellas