Lion Attack and Eat Warthog – Animal Fighting | ATP Earth

Lion Attack and Eat Warthog - Animal Fighting | ATP Earth
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Lion Attack and Eat Warthog – Animal Fighting | ATP Earth
In the vast forests, the animals all have to find their own secrets of survival. And if they want to survive and maintain a long life, they have to fight and conduct risky hunts. And the smaller animals in the animal world are often the prey targeted by the “giant predators” from the green forest. And without exception, dubbed the “lord of the jungle”, the lion is always a threat to all species. So can these little Warthogs escape and how will they react to the lion’s brutal attacks

02:21 Lion

03:59 Warthog
05:47 The Lion catches and eats the young Warthog
07:56 The Lion catches and eats the Warthog
09:09 Lion vs Hyena after digging up Warthog

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This Video researched by: Devon Boehm
Adress: 86259 Bruen Cove West Virginia, MA 68704-0422
Geo coordinates: 36.617457,38.910118
Mother’s maiden nameSchinner
Date: 1966-06-18
Age: 55 years old
ATP Earth don’t fully own the material compiled in this video. It belongs to individuals or organizations that deserve respect.
We use under: Copyright disclaimer section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976. “fair use” is allowed for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching. scholarships and research.


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  1. 說跑快不了獅子,也無口咬力,打鬥贏不了,那一回有辦法從獅子手中逃脱,成為獅子固定的獵物。動物界裏面獅子對每一種族都是個恐怖的威脅,只要遭遇到牠,随時都有性命的危險,這只能歸究於自然界的生存鐵律,物競天擇,適者生存,弱者淘汰。

  2. 無日不狩獵的獅子,天天到要到江湖混跡,獅子覓食從小隻動物如羚羊,鹿,疣猪,到中型動物如角馬,斑馬,野狗,鬣狗,猴子等,還有大型動物如河馬,犀牛,大象,長頸鹿。其中獅子最喜歡的美味是疣猪,疣猪說跑

  3. Cortan escenas importantes y hacen muchas mezclas de tomas de video como parche …pensaba que eran serios pero me equivoque NO ENGAÑEN AL PUBLICO POR FAVOR , MAS RESPETO !!!!

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