Character Preview: Earthquake “The Natural Disasters” WITH GEAR 4SG Gameplay ! / WWE Champions 😺
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Went back to this video because I pulled him at 4sb last month and then tonight I pulled his gear. Anyways I would rather go with PH Lesnar to add more blade gem damage because in my time of playing with him I haven’t had it where my blast gems were scattered. Destroying 3 for me is fine. But there probably will be those times znaka will come in handy
At 5sb currwntly in feud he is awesome
Fun Fact: Before he was Shark, John Tenta went by the lawsuited name Avalanche in WCW.
I need like 200 shards. Got the gear already.
Overpowered character ….
Can you play this game in a ipad pro?
Brat hart nwo: I'll show you guys what "hitting hard" means…
Earthquake: hold my beer…
This guy is a monster. Of course without gear and all the trainers you have is a bit weaker…but i think he'll still hit as hard as a train.
Not bad
Solo pregunto ya que van a estar 1 mes de gastar dineto real como van las ballenas a consequir este nuevo en framento ja
Since a new character is coming tommorow they should make sasha available to recruit at like 2star or 3 star if you have enough shards
Where is prize wall located gursan
He's is a beast
Dont mind bro but u have to make the gameplay without perk thnk u bro i enjoy alot
Bro!This cherecter's face similar to your face..his beard is smaller than u..just kidding..pretty damn cherecter…1st move set-up work extraordinary…
Very solid character wit 2 solid movesets. 2nd moveset was fun to watch as it reminds me of Big Cass blast setup but recycles way better. We'll see if he'll be easier to get than Sasha in April
Damn he hits like a truck
Great content
Not gonna get him, because I never get these monthly guys, but I hope I get him some time in the future. Earthquake was a legit badass. Great collegiate wrestler and I believe he retired as an undefeated sumo wrestler with at least 20 career wins.
i called it on the live stream a few days back that Earthquake was gonna get an op gear. im so amazed
"Im not a shark im a man!" One of my favorite quotes ever. When he wore that goofy costume in WcW. Awesome character
How good are they? Also how good is rezar
I want to put in your videos a translation in Arabic
with the gear he is darn near elite
Looking at earthquake without the gear, if you use typhoon 1st and give earthquake his moves, you can use rusev and a destroy trainer. However earthquake is EXTREMELY good however I have no complaints if F2P can actually get him. The bayley and NWO ransack events were so P2W. I got bret from 1sb to 2sg but only because I evolved him up there without fuses, bayley event was simply garbage and for me was impossible to get past 2 star without spending. However earthquake doesn’t even need to match gems sense he can destroy which is amazing especially with that 10 charge sub (R/G/Y moveset character finally becomes good, looks at BJS) this event with the 2sg fuse may be a turning point for Scopley’s reputation as a P2W company. But even then as optimistic as I am about this event, many others like myself feel it has a chance to be “too good to be true”. Please Scopley don’t mess this opportunity up because it’s actually giving me hope. Typhoon is surprisingly good though.
great vid as always 🙂 and earthquake was a great heel in the legends era too when he demolished hogan and squashed Jake Roberts snake a great heel put him #2 right behind ted dibiase . btw you mentioned in your typhoon video that you gonna be very busy tomorrow cause its a special day for one of your family members if thats the case hope it goes really well 🙂
Oh boy
He looks freaking good! Hopefully I can get him this month!