I knew wings thinks he's a higher number than kelly, you can tell by the way he acts that he's thinks he's doing her a favor by being with her and this is proof. What a disgusting piece of sht this guy is. In reality she's doing him the favor, this guy isn't worthy of the lowest #1 you can imagine. Kelly isn't the belle of the ball but she still deserves better than this tub but doesn't realize it yet, this dude settled for her because she's all he can get and I can't wait for her to realize what a pathetic loser he is and leave him to cry on stream,
The whole PKA group is a bunch of cucks
Is Kelly really a big loss.. I'd rather wack it the rest of my life
Wings 4 Life
Please use this intro for now on lmfao
Bad thumbnail. 👎🏻 Don't you DARE compare the legendary Shrek and Princess Fiona to this fat slob.
Those PKA guys are really obsessed with wings huh
I don't know any of those people in the google+ hangout, but it's always the guys who look like that and will never have a girlfriend that sit there and ramble on and on about how women are missing out by not dating them. LOL. And whoever that girl is, she's the exact same but just a woman
Damn that photo of Kelly, she actually looks to be at a normal weight. The wings effect…
Lol i like how Kelly gets so mad and jealous for him simply talking to other women, but its perfectly fine for her to flirt with his mods and sh*t. Shes such a b*tch and about as braindead as Jordie, i dont see why people actually like her. Shes just a female Richard at this point. Those two really need to divorce, and im not saying that because i hate him, im saying that would honestly be better for both of them, thats obviously going to turn into a toxic relationship.
Grow up you fookn sook.. You make yourself look more of a loser. When cry like a baby on stream..
I suffer with insomnia. When I have a bad spell I put a compilation of woody talking and I’m asleep within 5 mins
did kelly ever react to him putting her on blast?
9:05 this sums it all up..wings is abusive behind closed doors..you can see the spite in his eyes as he crushes kelly foot
Love the irony of one fat slob criticizing the life of another fat slob.
Kelly actually looked good in that early clip how did she go so downhill? The cancer?
Anyone else notice how Woodys eyebrows periodically shoot up?
neither of them treat each other well lol, id say richard treats her worse tho
"You've seen it, have I?" Always cracks me up😂😂😂
kyle is insanely based
His mommy let’s him live in her home. Kelly pays all the bills. We know this. Every penny Richard makes goes to food and sodas.
Wings grandma (caretaker/babysitter) died and Wings immediately married Kelly. Why? Without his grandma Wings was going to have to take care of himself and he couldn’t have that. Richard has to have people to latch onto and drag down. Kelly is there to take care of him, clean up his filth, pay the bills, and do everything for him while he sleeps and plays video games
This is hard to watch.
Richard is lying hard about the "thick six". Who sends a pic of their "partial chub" to a girl?
"wings of spousal abuse"
he absolutely stomped her foot, that's why she rolled back and said that. building up to the DV arc ig
Woody looks like Bob Saget.
Well thanks to this video Richard is currently doing a members only stream. What a thin skinned beach.
These pka dudes seem as big of incel cucks like wings
Based on that intro, its kinda ironic that if jordie had an actual job, one that was legit and a business, he would have every right to complain about "trolls" calling him and harassing him at work, as that is work place harassment. But being as the fact hes a fat lazy idiot and a youtuber, he has the ability to make it stop at any time and simply tries to play victim.
I knew wings thinks he's a higher number than kelly, you can tell by the way he acts that he's thinks he's doing her a favor by being with her and this is proof. What a disgusting piece of sht this guy is. In reality she's doing him the favor, this guy isn't worthy of the lowest #1 you can imagine. Kelly isn't the belle of the ball but she still deserves better than this tub but doesn't realize it yet, this dude settled for her because she's all he can get and I can't wait for her to realize what a pathetic loser he is and leave him to cry on stream,
The whole PKA group is a bunch of cucks
Is Kelly really a big loss.. I'd rather wack it the rest of my life
Wings 4 Life
Please use this intro for now on lmfao
Bad thumbnail. 👎🏻 Don't you DARE compare the legendary Shrek and Princess Fiona to this fat slob.
Those PKA guys are really obsessed with wings huh
I don't know any of those people in the google+ hangout, but it's always the guys who look like that and will never have a girlfriend that sit there and ramble on and on about how women are missing out by not dating them. LOL. And whoever that girl is, she's the exact same but just a woman
Damn that photo of Kelly, she actually looks to be at a normal weight. The wings effect…
Lol i like how Kelly gets so mad and jealous for him simply talking to other women, but its perfectly fine for her to flirt with his mods and sh*t. Shes such a b*tch and about as braindead as Jordie, i dont see why people actually like her. Shes just a female Richard at this point. Those two really need to divorce, and im not saying that because i hate him, im saying that would honestly be better for both of them, thats obviously going to turn into a toxic relationship.
Grow up you fookn sook.. You make yourself look more of a loser. When cry like a baby on stream..
I suffer with insomnia. When I have a bad spell I put a compilation of woody talking and I’m asleep within 5 mins
did kelly ever react to him putting her on blast?
9:05 this sums it all up..wings is abusive behind closed doors..you can see the spite in his eyes as he crushes kelly foot
Love the irony of one fat slob criticizing the life of another fat slob.
Kelly actually looked good in that early clip how did she go so downhill? The cancer?
Anyone else notice how Woodys eyebrows periodically shoot up?
neither of them treat each other well lol, id say richard treats her worse tho
"You've seen it, have I?" Always cracks me up😂😂😂
kyle is insanely based
His mommy let’s him live in her home.
Kelly pays all the bills.
We know this.
Every penny Richard makes goes to food and sodas.
Wings grandma (caretaker/babysitter) died and Wings immediately married Kelly.
Without his grandma Wings was going to have to take care of himself and he couldn’t have that.
Richard has to have people to latch onto and drag down.
Kelly is there to take care of him, clean up his filth, pay the bills, and do everything for him while he sleeps and plays video games
This is hard to watch.
Richard is lying hard about the "thick six". Who sends a pic of their "partial chub" to a girl?
"wings of spousal abuse"
he absolutely stomped her foot, that's why she rolled back and said that. building up to the DV arc ig
Woody looks like Bob Saget.
Well thanks to this video Richard is currently doing a members only stream. What a thin skinned beach.
These pka dudes seem as big of incel cucks like wings
Based on that intro, its kinda ironic that if jordie had an actual job, one that was legit and a business, he would have every right to complain about "trolls" calling him and harassing him at work, as that is work place harassment. But being as the fact hes a fat lazy idiot and a youtuber, he has the ability to make it stop at any time and simply tries to play victim.