From a creepy video of a possibly haunted apartment to scary footage that might show a ghost in a cemetery, these are the creepy videos everyone’s talking about. #Creepy #ScaryVideos #SlappedHam
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6. UK Dash Cameras – Compilation 20 – 2022 Bad Drivers, Crashes & Close Calls https://youtu.be/kk1EYH4EHbc
5. sammy.airone
4. encontré algo que puede darle un sentido a todo. https://www.tiktok.com/@diiegospyckerzss/video/7096306128564292869
se que esto tiene que ver con todo lo que está sucediendo. alguien tiene algún idea de que es ?? https://www.tiktok.com/@diiegospyckerzss/video/7097400512030477573
me culpan de la desaparición de eimy y aunque e hecho asta lo imposible por encontrarla… https://www.tiktok.com/@diiegospyckerzss/video/7102259793414475013
3. ENFERMERA Fantasma Se Manifiesta en un Hospistal Abandonado *INVESTIGACION PARANORMAL DEL AÑO* https://youtu.be/rdRSod_3L_E
2. Hombre llora desconsoladamente en tumba de su esposa https://www.tiktok.com/@todocontenidotop/video/6915797531582680325
1. Mototaxi se conduce sola https://www.tiktok.com/@jhester_pop/video/7035382548758793478
Ice Demon by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1200061
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
Lightless Dawn by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100655
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
Stop featuring Diego, obvious faker with some handy editing skills.
You can see the black car through the window of the silver car and soon as the silver car got bumped. The black car spun around the silver. Nothing spooky about noobs who can't drive.
that first one is easy to explain, it's obviously just hidden behind the grey car on it's left side
I wish more ghost investigators were as brave as that Mexican crew in nr. 3
What do you think about this video it’s amazing clip” we can’t say its nothing els out there !!!!! https://youtube.com/shorts/cT1Rp2JTi3o?feature=share
In the last video,the poor ghost just wanted to go for a ride LOL
The Diago guy, I would run as fast as my little legs would take me, never to return. The fingers under the table was terrifying.
so stupid
If i was the man with that huanted appartment if my dog was even that scared im moving the hell out that instend house is sold
Slip. String
The only one I couldn't come up with a possibility excuse is the fingers under the table.
Why is your copy of these videos so distorted? It's like your not even trying.
Here are my thoughts on the last clip. Why any ghost would not be embarrassed to haunt a mototaxi is beyond me. I know I would be.
I'm still waiting for a video of calum getting freaky and slapping some ham.
Calum is definitely a ham slapper
Weird how the tuk tuk think has a completely front blacked out window though!
funny how the most paranormal stuff happens in south America? And Once these idiots Come across something that's not faked they run screaming like little bitches? Well it goes to show that anyone can edit even the most crappy footage with the software available to the general public. the crew that didn't run faked it. the figure looked fake .
Diego one notice the cut in the video just as he goes to Open the door! He hesitates just so it looks like it's been opened straight away after pressing record again once the girls well out the way same as the table he hesitates then jumps back to show it! Plenty time for cuts!
No that siren you hear that alot woth vehicle radio interference that wall could be interrupting the signal
You just see the white roof and the red light of the mini through the tinted windows of the back.of the volvo the mini shot out the slip road on left coming on to the circle from the other small road it was just like when you see them airplanes floating in mid air but are still actually moving it you who's going the same that keeps it hidden by the volvo but if it didn't have rear tints you would have seen it very clearly! Just people thinking without thinking once again!
The most scary videos are from Ukraine now
Great video, as per usual! Love your content
Btw lalo is pronounce law low not laylo.
Bring the slapped ham piggy back! I miss him
Yeah, AM transmitters are cheap, small, and low-powered.
OK, the fingers were a neat trick. I don't know how he did it, but it was a neat trick.
But he also employs the same simple disappearing trick with the figure in the door, that the "researchers" do in the hospital. They pan the camera slowly around in a circle, while their accomplice move out of the door in the same direction, and it appear as if the room is empty.
And that every time a door moves or closes, the "researchers" never show you behind it.
The last video made me wonder if rickshaws have autopilot
The video with that doll with the stuff inside isn't that the doll in his past videos that is always appearing then "disappearing" when he tries to grab it? Now its been ripped open? Mmm.. ?
It's just smaller than the other car
Now these Mexican para investigators have courage, unlike the others we have seen here. Way to run after the ghost fellas.
There is a gag tied over the girls mouth in #4. You can clearly see the dark color of the gag through the frosted window. It’s possible that the “ashes” in that hex bag are of a ritualistically sacrificed child.
The one of Diego has been debunked. He is a video editor an if you watch closely on his videos you can some times find cuts in the film.
Please don´t feature this Diego guy again. It´s clearly a set up and the "scared" dog probably got scared by Diego just for the cloud to make it more believable.
The run away car in the last vid was probably a prank with a remote controlled wizardry lol
Time travel .lol Thats not how its done, Try again
He just allowed a sants ria curse or hex to be initiated when he poened that doll wrapping
The mini cooper was right beside the car as it went along out of view until it made a sharp turn to the right. It was than seen. It probably was going the same direction as the car that was hiding it, but suddenly decided to make a right turn almost causing the accident.
How long are these channels gonna be able to keep going with all of these fake arse videos lol Gullible arse people I suppose.
And fingers under the table…time 6,59
Out there, in the minds eye, people are falling out of the portals around cars… and you cannot question it all — because the police and fire department come making it all look legit.
that vehicle at the end could have been controlled with a remote
I really think the Mini had gotten to the point of being on the left side of the white car, before the camera pans left. Then as the white car proceeded to drive onward with the road lane, the typical idiot driver to the left darted over to the right to try and make that off ramp on the right, skipping 2 lanes like a typical person who can't drive.
You did a video on a few of these videos already..
; ie that ambulance clip is from like 2020