Birds attack phantom drone quad-copter causing crash landing

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I must have annoyed a group of birds, they teamed up & started dive bombing my radio controlled phantom drone from all directions, I think they knocked the battery connector loose as I lost control & had a rough landing.


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About the Author: Angry Ram


  1. I'm most afraid of a collision between a drone and a bird, so I immediately raise the drone to a height of 120 meters and continue flying. After that, when I look through the video from the drone and see the birds that fly just next to the drone, my heart stops … How to avoid a collision between a drone and a bird?

  2. Keep drones away from wooded areas, nesting sites…you are a threat to birds and they will attack and bring you down unless you move far away. You are in Their space, know the rules….keep to open land away from trees or better still use google earth.

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