I must have annoyed a group of birds, they teamed up & started dive bombing my radio controlled phantom drone from all directions, I think they knocked the battery connector loose as I lost control & had a rough landing.
I must have annoyed a group of birds, they teamed up & started dive bombing my radio controlled phantom drone from all directions, I think they knocked the battery connector loose as I lost control & had a rough landing.
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Bird is my favourite new toy…
There will never be enough birds to take these f… nuisances out of the sky.
I've read that reflective tape on your drone will keeps birds away. Have you ever tried that yet?
HI! Where is the place?
I'm most afraid of a collision between a drone and a bird, so I immediately raise the drone to a height of 120 meters and continue flying. After that, when I look through the video from the drone and see the birds that fly just next to the drone, my heart stops … How to avoid a collision between a drone and a bird?
Why didn't you just land when they were flying around you so close?! No sense to keep on flying in my opinon.
If birds begin to circle your aircraft… LAND IT IMMEDIATELY!!! Do not try to film them… basic pilot knowledge…
Buen Trabajo 😉 eres un Crack
Angry Birds! 😉
you recorded his wife bro. no wonder he wanted to knock your ass out of the sky.
im always on the nature side
Whatever that strange looking four winged creature is, it came to the wrong 'hood!
My drone was attacked by the Swifts. There were so many, and I'm an aspiring pilot. It was a real dogfight.
Even birds have had enough of these fucking drones.
Lesson for the day….dont fuck with raptors
Actions like this, is what is changing the laws about when and where you can use these toys.
Why u dont land it when u know it first time??? U are looking trouble with that birds, and u got what u deserve.
Those naughty birds should save up and buy their own drone, instead of trying to steal yours 😉 .
You have a shiester lawyer using your footage on their wesite.
Great footage!!!
Keep drones away from wooded areas, nesting sites…you are a threat to birds and they will attack and bring you down unless you move far away. You are in Their space, know the rules….keep to open land away from trees or better still use google earth.