ImDontai Reacts TTo Near Death Caught On Cam pt 111

ImDontai Reacts TTo Near Death Caught On Cam pt 111
Spread The Viralist

In Honor Of MajinCarp

Intro Song


PO Box 56230
Virginia Beach, Va 23456


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About the Author: ImStillDontai


  1. This mf has everything to pick and he decides its okay to ride in a hot air balloon😭 those mfs rely on wind to move forward and backwards. Imagine a storm mid flight

  2. Dude swimming is easy. Once you realize your lighter in water, keeping your head above water is easy man. Just kick your feet up and wave your arms. It’s the closet thing to walking on the moon. Rocks you pick up on land that weigh 30+ lbs you can pick up and carry across the bottom of ocean floors or lakes like they are styrofoam.

  3. You'd rather crash into concrete instead of water? Is there something wrong with you? You spend mad time telling people how stupid they are maybe you should really consider listening to yourself talk before posting.

  4. Those "niggas" on bikes can travel at speeds that are not meant to be traveled on sidewalks and why those "niggas" on bikes are on the road. The are another vehicle on the road not a nuisance and the driver that was that close to them ata that rate of speed was in the wrong.

  5. 2:39 The guy would not have been fine on the boat, if he stayed on the boat he could have risked being pulled into the propeller of the boat once the boat passed, or thrown underwater or tipped over by the current the ship is producing if he stayed on the boat.

  6. 2:10 they're not really going much faster than average traffic there if at all. Pretty sure skater is in the correct lane, going roughly the same speed as traffic (motorcycles/scooters), meanwhile scooter man goes into oncoming traffic to cut the turn into a parking lot without paying attention. Not to say the skater wasn't doing anything wrong, but the motorcyclist definitely was at fault just as much, if not more. In the moment I can understand why he would be angry.
    If the skater is on the wrong side of the road entirely, then yes 100% stupidity lol

  7. It baffles me that people watch videos of other people pausing videos and babbling incoherently every fucking clip. People are really fuckin low IQ these days.

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