Danni helps a street dog who’s just given birth at the Lost Dogs Home, Chris comes up with an ingenious solution for a rat with breathing difficulties and how could two picture-perfect kittens end up with warts? 🙀
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I binge watch these!
Elizabeth Deliscar is an amazing and beautiful girl who loves to live with her on the Road
The cost of x-rays and hip replacements would make a good down payment on a house.
Chris Brown, I just now realized you are the McGiver of the Veterinary world!!!(you might have to look up who McGiver was) I would SO LOVE to meet you and watch you at work, but I live in Oregon, USA- 16hour flight-$$$. Maybe someday!!
I love how the young women says :my friend Marcus.
I love baby animals.
I was able to eliminate my genital warts with some natural supplement I ordered from Dr. Osaoji on youtube and now I am cured permanently.
I love how Chris thinks. That's one of the reasons I enjoy watching his videos.
I rescued a cat that had feline aids (FIV) virus. I had him neutered and vaccinated. He was a sweet cat and got along well with my other cats. The only way FIV is past to other cats, is through a bite wound. As there was never any fighting, all the cats lived to past 17 years of age. Vets need to stop putting fear in peoples hearts about FIV. There is plenty of research showing that these cats that have FIV can live perfectly normal lives when kept indoors and properly nourished. All my cats were indoor only.
Id like to know what these surgeries cost. I have had pet insurance for two years with $4000 coverage, but hip replacement… What does that usually go for?
FHO won't work?
Man, that rat sauna looks kinda insane. Lol. It looks a bit scary.
My rat had to have this happen before and he loved it. Now I sometimes just bring their cage into my bathroom when I'm taking a hot shower. Warm and humid environments feels so nice for them sometimes
What a GOURGOUS DOG squeak is!💕🙏🐶🙏
Ya we can call it "The gorgeous Dr.B turns into Magiver LOL!!
No one ever discusses the bills on this show… when there is dog surgery, I break out in hives remembering the time(s) I've been at the dog park and we had to go directly to the vet's because of our doggie being jumped by badly behaved Russells. And complicated, expensive hip surgeries, that meant I had to carry him about for twice 3 months.
Why is any sign of blood, surgery sites, punctures, etc. blurred?
The first successful implant on humans was fitted using an electrical motorcycle cylinder reamer. The surgeons opened and closed, the fitting was done by the guys who make prosthetics at Roehampton in London. The first attempts, surgeon-led, had failed because they were over-engineered, and the program was about to fail, when the materials specialist stepped in and quoted Leonardo da Vinci, "The body's a marvellous machine" as justification for using engineering skills rather than surgery. It worked – but dad had a sleepless night the night before…
This video made my day. Love 💘 Bondi Vet. God bless
„He will be fine I promise!“
Stop promising things you don’t have control over.
OMG hip replacement for a dog is totally out of reach for most people! That's insanely expensive. 😢
We got our little dog from the lost Dogs Home. She had two hernia repairs a cruciate ligament repair a spay and major dental work and she was 12 years old at there time, that was 14 months ago and she is the most beautiful little girl. How someone could dump her at that age knowing she needed vet care. They had just bred from her.
If people could guess what breed dog would you say squeak the mum dog is cos she looks just like my dog and I have no idea what my dog is
There is another option for the lab, FHO, or femoral head ostectomy. Replacing a hip is Very expensive and most people can’t afford that surgery. I’m disappointed that this option wasn’t offered or discussed.