Top 10 Famous Real Life Monsters Caught on Camera

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Are these iconic creatures real? Let’s turn to the tape! For this list, we’ll be looking at the creepiest alleged photographic and video evidence of legendary creatures – including those not from Earth. Our countdown includes Mothman, Yeti, Bigfoot, and more! Which photo or video do you find the most convincing? Let us know in the comments below!

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  1. If God created the world then he must have created these mythical creatures that are actually real and he created plans that are out there that we don't know of

  2. Americas ruined the Chupacabra legend.. It was never described as a canine, and was never in America.. It was reported in Puerto Rico, originally.. Of course Americans had to be involved, so started calling every mangy Coyote that. They seen a "Chupacabra sighting"… Even going as far as saying they solved the Chupacabra mystery, after some cop spotted a Coyote with serious mange, running along the side of the road….. Original witnesses did NOT describe a canine, or a 4 legged animal…… I wouldn't doubt if Bigfoot is Americas way of copying the Yeti of the Himalayan Mountains, which was once very popular topic, and influenced many expeditions to the region, decades ago…

  3. The whole aliens are fake conversation is stupid. There are estimated to be ATLEAST a 100 BILLION planets in the universe, yet for some reason only 1 of them managed to have human life?
    People need to get over this "if we cant see it then we dont believe it" BS…
    Like, we havent even managed to explore our whole planet yet and discover 1000s of new species every year. And yet people honestly believe that we are the only ones out there? in this universe thats is billions of light years long…

  4. chupacabra made me feel that aliens drop creatures off on our planet just to keep us distracted ,They are chosen with choices seeming almost with a kind of scrutiny.? .

  5. I thought I saw or felt a ningen swim around while I was in Lake Erie with my mother. It was last year, during the Fourth of July weekend, I was just swimming around in the large freshwater lake, and then, I saw something white, and it looked like the sun was shining on it. Of course I didn’t react immediately, but at the time, I thought it was strange and a little scary.

  6. I never go into the woods unarmed. Usually it's my 1911 the n 45. If I'm camping I would also bring a 12 ga pump loaded with slugs and buckshot. If I ran into a bigfoot I would never shoot at it unless it gave me no choice. They are intelligent beings and are scared enough of humans, for good reason. I would offer it food to see how it reacts. I would film it also. Now those other creatures people claim to have seen, skinwalkers or anything similar that's running toward me would eat buckshot. I'm not going to be anyone's dinner

  7. The navy outfit fits for that time period no alien once u look at it with that in mind it's easy to see just a little tricky

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