Fails Of The Week – Instant Regret Compilation
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Video inspired by Failarmy
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3:38 – Koorva. That's one of those Russian driving words, like Sooka and Nee who ya, and bell yette and your bunny vrote.
This is so funny 🎉😂
Oooo, Polako 😂 Kurwa 😂
1:52 I've never seen anyone cheat that much at pull ups.
1:06 The most stupid thing I've never seen
when she propped her phone, when it fell it was level 2 in the backrooms who noticed that.
wait does this mean she lives in the backrooms
poor spidi
1:09 thats a negative 0 iq
let's stop with "funny" vid's with people from Russia, anyone???
0:14 wtf lol
Attach the chain to the front of the car? Hell no! Attach the chain to the front wheel? Obviously.
Either the person got lazy, it just wasn’t their day, or they’re just dumb.
Nawwww poor puppy, 🥺❤️ 7:11
Proving once again that stupidity is alive and well. 😂😂
You’re always funny hahahahahahahahahaahaahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahah
3:36 🤣🤣 thats the best
what kind of idiot prop their phones right in front of an open window. That's just asking for the phone to go bye bye.
0:01 does the laugh sound like the loud moan meme of the girl we use to prank friends? (do you agree or me just WAY TOO CULTURED?)
i always watch these videos when im bored 😂🤣