Coming up are some theme park rides that had to be shut down!
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i rode vampire at walibi belgium my first and painfull inverted coaster man so much head pain
The leg lost
9:39 if the launch button was hit as the 2 cables snapped then the injuries would have been alot more severe than you thing since its only being held up by one cable one of two thing could happen
1.The two last cables also snap and send the riders crashing down into the ground most likely killing them
2.The cable manages to support them but since theres no counter balance(which the 2 broken cables were) then the ride would go completely sideways smashing into the steel frame and most likely causing very severe injuries or even death
RIP exoland
I love roller coasters, and will go on just about anything more than once (some close to 100 times). Magic Mountain (in Valencia, California) has a ride called X2, where the cars are on arms similar to Green Lantern, but the difference was that they moved WITH the G-forces as well as the lateral forces in the turns, and as a result, is a very smooth and well-done ride. Green Lantern, because it was an all-vertical coaster, attempted to enhance the experience by twisting the cars opposite the G-forces on some of the turns, which made not only for a really jerky experience, but it made some people extremely nauseous, and I heard of many people throwing up on the ride, even with how short it was. It is the one and only roller coaster (that I fit operating parameters for – at 6'4", there are some that I just can't do) that I would absolutely never have ridden a second time.
It’s shocking to see how much more value Japan places on safety. Their ride operated without incident for 15 years! The part only went bad because it had been inadvertently left off the maintenance list.
This is why I buy Japanese-made cars.
I've been on that Green Lantern roller-coaster before, and safe to say I've had some pains after riding it. Jeez, that thing was the maker of back problems, or neck problems from all the sudden jerking. Sure, the initial take-off was….somewhat enthralling, but the enthusiasm was quickly lost amidst all the jerking and such. It felt more like someone trying to shake you back into consciousness rather than a roller-coaster. My back was killing me after such a ride too, but hey, least we had a little basket shooting game!….granted if I was not too dizzy to aim straight!
Action park 😂 I grew up 20 minutes away and nearly drowned in the wave pool as a child.
Leg dropper
Or you cannot name any of those names and keep it the smiler
I live in Florida. And I remember the Dragon Challenge clearly. I can't believe it got shut down
I actually really liked the Green Lantern movie. But I don't like coasters so I probably still would have avoided this ride.
That big rocket ship ride is scary for me
The intro never gets old
I can’t remember exactly the year this happened, probably 20-25 years ago, my husband and I went to Silverwood Theme park in Athol ID (near Coeur d Alene ID). At that time they had 2 different roller coaster rides. One was an old wooden one, the other was new, exciting, and had a really long line. I had never been on a roller coaster before but I knew my husband enjoyed them, so I decided to give it a try. We decided to go on the wooden one only because the line to get on was significantly shorter than the new ride. Omg, what a mistake! It was a quick ride, but the entire time our bodies were shaking from side to side. I remember getting off and when I looked at my husband it felt like we were still shaking. This happened on a Sunday and by Tuesday my back was hurting so bad I could hardly stand it. I saw my chiropractor on twice that week but the pain only got worse and worse. Saturday morning I couldn’t bare the pain anymore so I desperately tried calling my chiropractor at his home, but there was no answer. So I tried calling his partner/son. He told me that his dad was out of town for the weekend and since he wasn’t the one who had treated me previously, he wasn’t comfortable trying to do an adjustment now. He suggested I go to the local hospital ER. My husband drove me there immediately and boy was I glad. After several tests they discovered I had a spleen bleed, and the blood was building up in my chest and back cavity causing the pain because it had nowhere else to go. They asked if I had been in an auto accident because it takes some pretty intense hits to cause this. I said no, and was trying to think what I may have done and the only thing either my husband or I could think of was that roller coaster ride. I was hospitalized for 3 days while they monitored me through daily CT scans to see if the bleeding would stop on its own. Luckily it did and I didn’t have to have my spleen removed. Once home from the hospital I tried calling Silverwood Theme park to let them know. I was unable to get through to a human but I left multiple messages telling them what happened. I guess I wasn’t too surprised that they didn’t return my calls. I suppose I could have obtained an attorney but I already knew I was going to make a full recovery so decided against it.
Compared to some of the injuries in this video I count myself lucky.
or the deadly ride
he killer
the murderer
YouTube…Not the best time to advertise a waterpark
I am greatful that the ride operator of the last ride only removed 4 arms, instead of all 8 because that ride actually sounds fun, without symbols that are notoriosly known for hating almost everyone that wasnt a pure german with zero melanin.
I wouldn’t be allowed to ride in the front that 10 year old boy is lighter than me and I am technically eight
how about they rename the smiler the leg looser
Knott's Berry Farm (17:30 mark): I'm sorry, not sorry, if this offends someone, but… If you're so overweight that you have to consciously incorrectly wear the seat belt, the fault is yours. The judge should have thrown the family's lawsuit out. THINK ABOUT IT- had the people running the ride told her that she was too big to ride the ride, she would have got offended, probably posted on social media so everyone else could also be offended, and it would have ended up in court anyway (or at the very least, the park would end up with the image of being insensitive). At some point, we've got to separate fragile feelings with actual safety. Had someone "offended her" by telling her she was too large for the ride, she'd have been offended BUT SHE'D BE ALIVE to be offended.