5 EXTREME Weather Events Caught On Camera
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► Music Licensed From SoundStripe/Envato Elements
For any and all copyright matters, please email me directly at UnderworldCopyright@gmail.com
Unless otherwise created by Most Dangerous, licenses have been obtained for images/footage in the video from the following sources; https://pastebin.com/2QefkSMq
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6:23 Christmas hailstorm in Aussie … not in northern hemisphere thank goodness …if hail is at Christmas in the north then this is going to be a terrible Christmas
Melbourne is shit. Sincerely: a melbourneite
Watching this before bed so satisfying
YEESSS ST. AUGUSTINE WAS MENTIONED I LIVE THERE RERERERERRERE and also it’s true, it’s sunny a lot, but there is also a lot of storms, hurricanes, and water spouts. Especially in summer.
You no the earth is not round right
The lightning strike video appears to be fake because the camera didn't auto adjust one bit. Even if fake it's fun to watch.
Glad I’m over in Oceania
I do believe Florida is the #1 state for thunderstorms, unfortunately.
When is the next volcano eruptions caught on camera?
I really thank you for making these weather caught on camera videos bro you are the best person to ever exist underworld ❤️