Visitors from another world, Dobby from the Harry Potter franchise, or maybe kid wearing an incredibly silly hat; these are all the guesses that are circulating around the web on what exactly is being displayed in some recently released bizarre security video.
Ma ei ole goblin
The people that say this is not an alien are obviously scared of facing the reality of visitors . 1) legs too skinny. #2) knees too high . #3) arms too long. #4) look at how the hand bends at end of video loop. #5) the mother says it’s not her child. ALSO SHOW ME A KID TODAY WHO EVEN KNOWS WHAT A CHICKEN DANCE IS, AND SHOW ME ANY KID THAT OWNS A FULL “BODY SUIT”THIS IS NOT HUMAN. Remember this video as it will be confirmed at some point.
That looks like the same Video that was shown on InSide addition..Some lady filmed a similar video ..
The video looks like the same video that was showed on inside addition..
Saw a documentary of a military general confessed that our military keeps aliens/UFOS. In that interview he explains that aliens walk funny because of our gravity.
It was me. I had too many beers that night. My bad yall
This looks just like the texas zoo site
There's more to this story that was left out of this particular version. The woman who owns the house has a young son. She apparently claimed he wouldn't do what was shown in the video, however she didn't say anything about him looking any different to the person in the video. To me it seems perfectly apparent that her son went outside wearing his boxer shorts on his head and she's just in denial about it.
Nothing that walks like that could master interstellar travel.
all you folks who think this is a hoax: your minds will be exploding when the truth of the world is revealed to us
When I was about 14 Before the internet and the hype I saw the slenderman in a mountain in El Salvador, it was black slim and very tall, it walks very slow, it was during the day. Later on I knew about stories of the slenderman around the world and I know its because people have seen them through history creating legends and stories about them.
It just some stupid white drama amplifying a thing from anither world,it's someone in a costume …
Why is the video cut?? Why don't they show the whole video of it walking away??
It's a kid with underwear on their heads. How is this a mystery?
The mom and son scammed everyone that was her son
It doesn't matter who or what that is. The thing is, it's very funny 🤣🤣🤣
Dobby needs friends
who allowed Joe Biden out at night.
I thin first one is alien 👽
So fake….its doing the chicken dance
Its her damn kid 🙄 so stupid how ppl believe it's paranormal 😠
is someones kid his dad saw him on their security camera an so they taught it ill be funny to troll the news
Some look real but some fo not !
Security cameras have been high definition for years. Why are all these so called paranormal videos always so blurry and out of focus ? That alone makes me suspicious.
So we finna ignore the fact this thing did the chicken dance 🤣🤣🤣 flap them wings
wow that makes me scared!! D:
That might be a skinny kid wearing his freakin underpants in his head and acting like an alien to dread people…
I've seen this video a few times. I swear it looks like Dobby from Harry Potter.
Why dont they show the entire video? They only show this little part. Where is the rest of the footage
Looks way too much like Doby. Could this thing be some sort of thoughtform like a Tulpa or Egregore? Seriously viewers look it up.
That's dobby, leave him alone 😔
That's not an alien, it's Maddie Ziegler practicing for the Chandelier video.
A drunk kid…with rickets in a Halloween head? I'm
This video is so funny. Why do people treat this so seriously lol
The things that come up in video….. better yet.. the things people will believe. The storm door she talks about is the first shadow, then a kid is coming out of said door walking normal, then does the chicken dance, then walks silly you can tell it’s a kid and the outdoor light is very bright, so kid is going to look extra bright. Then the video is cut off so soon… kid probably came back to door … anyway , it’s a kid. Possibly sleep walking, or just playing…. But still, not alien.
It's her kid with shorts on his head and walking funny
It did the chicken emoji
Watch its knees. They dont move forward they move out to the sides.
Looks like it is wearing shoes.
It’s just a kid walking
Why don’t the owners leave the light on like that in the middle of the night and see if it comes back?