Disturbing Discovery in Abandoned Hospital (Very Scary) Paranormal Investigation Goes Wrong

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We discovered an abandoned hospital in a ghost town and decided to check it out. We were not prepared for what we would stumble across inside. This content may be considered disturbing to some.

Hunting Purgatory S2 Ep 3: Disturbing Discovery in Abandoned Hotel

This was by far the scariest paranormal investigation I’ve ever done due to what we uncovered. This is no longer along the lines of paranormal but something much more serious.

Whether or not you believe in ghosts, paranormal activity or demons the things we caught on camera during this ghost hunt are completely unexplainable. Unexplained paranormal activity gone wrong. This felt like living through a horror movie but we caught it all on tape. We will never forget this night and neither will you.

If you enjoyed this video watch our full Season 1 Playlist Below

We used tests including Emf detectors, a spirit box, EVP sessions and a thermal camera to try and find the truth. Join us as we stake out and try to communicate with the afterlife.

If you are thinking of making youtube videos or just recording videos similar to the ones that I am making you will find a list of all the equipment I am using down below:

Camera : https://amzn.to/2L8w4Bg (MAJOR DISCOUNT!)
Lens : http://geni.us/K4cAZ (amazon)
Studio Lighting Kit : http://geni.us/NP66ynx (amazon)
iRig Mic to DSLR adapter: http://geni.us/BqxL (amazon)
Microphone : http://geni.us/jGAFNw (amazon)
Led Lighting : http://geni.us/evVb (amazon)

Thank you guys for watching and being part of my dream! The channel is alive and better than ever! I hope this video helped in deciding if this is the one for you!

All background music was used from artlist audio library and is licensed and royalty free.

Also I have recently become a participant in the Amazon Associates Programs, affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means to earn fees by linking to amazon.com in order to help the channel Grow! Let’s make 2020 rock!

Email me: Mindseedtv@gmail.com

#paranormal #caughtontape #veryscary #scary


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About the Author: MindSeed TV


  1. Apologies for the delay! Youtube is killing me with the strict guidelines! Had to edit out a few words that are considered TOO graphic! Here's the vid! Cheers

  2. 4:10 a strange white figure in the hallway watching them right after they look at the crow bar on the door, wasn't there before not there after. Looks almost human

  3. Abandoned in the 1950s ? Where's the cobwebs Why is the paint in such pristine condition? No dust on many objects? The paint should be peeling. Buildings abandoned as recently as the 1990s would have peeling paint and cobwebs everywhere let alone the 1950s

  4. Knowing this hospital excursion was pre planned i thought the lighting could of been better. And the camera was pointed at the floor and walls a
    Lot. Interesting video absolutely. Was hoping for better.

  5. To be honest, I'd be calling the police because it looked like a pretty recent crime scene rather than something from the 50s. 😉

  6. Looks like someone set up a Halloween haunted house tour of maybe some armature film makers making a horror movie for a collage project.

  7. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if some killer used this to kill someone. Considering the way the person was dragged, the screams and the fact no one wanted to get close to the building made it the perfect place to kill someone…

  8. The scariest part for me was the lack of gloves and respirators…..old, unclean hospital equipment….quite possibly full of asbestos, which is why it is still standing….

  9. C'mon guy's, that's not blood, it'd be black in color.. It looks like paint to me, check out the border around the floor, looks like the same color to me… Love the show though, keep em coming.

  10. Casey hears a noise, and then asks Tanner if he heard it. Then it shows a quick replay clip only to find out it was Tanner's stomach. LMAO. 😂

  11. The ADDS are fucking up yur video’s big time TOO bad but that how all of YouTube is infected with evil advertisements that we are forced to swallow😖😖

  12. So yeah, a human has about 5 liters of blood. That did not look like a human's worth of blood. Nor can you conclusively determine what you saw was actually blood. Jumping to conclusions is a bad trait for a paranormal investigator. Easy test, is to use H2O2.

  13. That blood is fairly fresh…blood doesn’t stay bright red forever. That blood hasn’t been there since it was a hospital. Someone was murdered there or went there after being shot and died.

  14. I am asking anyone who will listen & also help?! Pls stand up for our 🇺🇸Nation that is going thru- turmoil. Some are acting i think selfishly. If you got thousands, or hundreds, or millions attention! 👍 Why don't you take a stand for 🇺🇸America, our 🇺🇸Military? Whom are fighting, those who gave their life for us to keep us safe!! They are fighting abroad, why don't we fight back here in America for them?!! Some are acting like nothing is going on and going about their everyday life doing for themselves and sticking their head in the sand. That's all I am going to say. 🥺🙄🤔

  15. Love your vids but let's just made for entertainment! The thing with the Walker that you "discovered" in the hallway. First off, the door to the room you were in just happen to close. How convenient that your back was to the door so that the Camera couldn't show that just Maybe a production crew closed the door to do the set up. Ok, 3 things. A Spirit/Ghost moved it. Doubt that one! Two a Squatter moved it. Possibility but doubt it. Thirdly and most likely, a production crew moved it!! Don't get me wrong, loved all your vids! But I have been a Paranormal Investigator for over 15 y years now, I have yet seen ANYTHING happen like in your vids! Like I said, made for entertainment, just like Ghost Adventures. But love watching your vids on Tou Tube!! Actuality would love to go on an investigation just to prove me wrong!! Keep up the great entertainment!

  16. Why don't you look up the history of the area & see if there's an event that would have caused people to abandon the place suddenly…?

  17. Idk guys those sheets looked pretty frickin clean and white and I feel like they would look aged, discolored, or at least dusty if that place was really abandoned like that in the 50s or however long ago it was.

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