Today, June 11, 2020 we are celebrating Hope For Paws’ 12th anniversary!!!
If you can, please join us with a small donation today so we can continue in full force for another year: https://www.HopeForPaws.org
Barbie was so scared of humans and she wouldn’t allow anyone near her. I will create a slow-motion version of the moment we got her, and I will post it on our Instagram later on today here – it is pretty amazing: https://www.instagram.com/HopeForPawsRescue/
After her rescue, #Barbie continued to her foster home with Smooch Pooch Dog Rescue, and the rehabilitation work they did with her is just incredible! This is one video that you really have to watch until the very end.
If you would like to adopt her, please contact Smooch Pooch here: http://www.SmoochPoochRescue.com
Please celebrate with us today by liking the video, commenting, sharing and subscribing to our channel… we are ALMOST at 5 MILLION subscribers!
I am counting on you for making it happen!
Thank you so much for your support! We really couldn’t have done it without you 🙂
#HopeForPaws #DogRescue
Okay internet, do your thing: who was that lovely truck driver? Make sure his employer knows they have a very good person working for them. What's the opposite of cancelled? That guy should be rewarded for his act of kindness. xoxoxoxo
That fenced area must b a real popular place for dumping animals in LA 😭😭😠😠. keep up the good work 🌹💖🦋
Dios mío que maravillosos son ustedes.Dios les de toda la felicidad del mundo ❤️ así de grande.❤️🌹😍🇻🇪
❤️❤️❤️GOD BLESS ❤️❤️❤️
Sooo Bootiful Thank you
Dios les bendiga siempre siempre ustedes SON.😇😇😇😇😇 Enviados por Dios para salvar a ESOS LINDOS animalitos gracias gracias 😊😊 yo amo Alós animalitos y quisiera te ner plata para donar .😔😔
We need to do this for every living thing in the world, homeless people come first! We as a species have been so quick to diminish human existence.
Jaki ten piesek jest szczesliwy❤️
When they caught the dog omg 😂😂
A big thanks to all for all u do for the dogs God bless you
Where is she located?
The best way to calm a frightened animal is to start creaming, whooping and self congratulations ones self.
good stuff a dog to be a dog again oh the joy
Why gives that pup such a bad name though?
Restores my faith in humanity. Brings me to tears
Damn, That was some cool shit on the way you catched her!
This dog looks like Nikki same 🐶❤
That one got me. Wonderful.
what a fun rescue she was! she’s ready to be a real dog!!
If you have a cunning plan more cunning and the plan before stick to that plan, the number of times I've watched your videos and the one thing that sticks out is that you keep on shouting instructions to your helpers when your helpers are trying to do something that may capture the animal quicker then your voice scaring them off in a different direction
This is probably the worst way to go about capturing a stray dog. You should take it slower and be less aggressive when it comes to getting them out of the area. Patience and slowly approaching them should be the highest order and protecting their well being. Rushing in with nets is a stupid way of dealing with them. They are not a catch of the day to be shared with the world. They are living animals that need to be taken care of.
I know it is more expensive, but frontline works 20x better than flea shampoo.