5 TERRIFYING Creature Encounters captured on camera….
If this wasn’t caught on tape it would be hard to believe!
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TOP 5 Paranormal events caught on camera
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Microphone : https://amzn.to/38LhVTt
Whether or not you believe in ghosts, paranormal activity or demons the things we caught on camera during this ghost hunt are completely unexplainable and creepy. Most shocking surveillance footage shows ghost attack on a man and it would be hard to believe if this cctv footage didin’t exist. This is the stuff of nightmares. Unexplained terrifying paranormal activity goes wrong. This investigation challenge felt like living through a horror movie but we captured it all on tape. It was very scary! Some our findings are the scariest videos ever on youtube! Do not try to talk to the dead at 3AM
Join us as we stake out and try to communicate with the afterlife.
All background music was used from the youtube audio library, epidemic sounds, artlist and is royalty free and free to use.
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Email us: Mindseedtv@gmail.com
At 4:15 you see muhammed the prophet haunting the forest. Mustapha Ibrahim could be heard chanting the Queen's prayer Bismillah. Salaam.
first two are so obviously and blatanly edited in lol… havent watched the rest but this is about to be a never watch again at this rateXD
The black figure on the trail in whatever Arab country that was is called a JIN! they describe it perfectly in the Koran
It's a shame they didn't have the technology to make those "cryptic, alien" walk past the head of the woman and that bush. They tried to convince people.
My balls was waiting
the creature at 9:23 was a bit spooky
The first video provides an excellent example of the number or irrational conclusions the type of of person who subscribes to paranormal phenomena, extraterrestrial visitations, and all other conspiratorial nonsense. So… A blurry object is seen in the background if a video interview. It is clearly too distorted to discern what it is, but instead of assuming that it is a normal object with a logical explanation, which in all likelihood it is (Occam's razor anyone) you immediately jump to the conclusion that it is from another planet or dimension. Then, despite being little more than an unidentifiable amorphous blob, you make another preposterously huge assumption by suggesting that it's intelligent or sentient life. SO, despite nothing happening to indicate it has an other worldly source or inter-dimensional origin, much less is alive, you assert that it is sentient and inelligent… again, with no tangible evidence beyond being an inexplicable shape, you then begin to hypothesize when this now sentient/intelligent creature was forced to leave it's own dimension, because clearly you were somehow able to ascertain it left it's oringial dimension under duress… despite the fact that you have n evidence it is alive, no evidence it is from another dimension, no evidence that it is intelligent, and now, n evidence that it was forced out of it's original existence. SMH
The first one had a hammer goober on his foot. I'm assuming the second one had met the first one. And is now depressed. Takes a new meaning to putting a foot up your ass
You speak a little too softly for how loud you have that music playing my dude hard to hear what you're saying sometimes
#3 is 100% a bigfoot
Number 3 is a black guy….
The "alien" in the drive way is a little boy with his underwear over his head walking funny in front of his house in colorado springs CASE CLOSED OK?
3:25 glad he didn't caught his face… seems like shy guy is out again
The #3 looks like a black panther
demonic eyes are so cool , I wonder if i could ever see any in physical world?
That's the rake I think
That third one was just the prime minister of Canada doing blackface again 😂
Thanks for the awesome content …as a newbie to mindseed tv they always post good stuff .
The last 2 videos
2. was Dobby from Harry potter
1 . Was the rake creature ..could tell by its humanoid shape like body, glowing eyes n how it moves
4/3 might be a wintgo
When I was about 10 years old I was staying with my uncle and aunt in death valley somewhere between Bishop and Mammoth and I saw something I will never forget. If you search up the pokemon "baltoy" that's the best way I can describe it… And this was years before that pokemon existed, in fact when it became a Pokemon I was so interested that I tried to research if it was based on a cryptid or mythical creature. Anyways, it kept the same distance from me, was spinning and bobbing up and down about a foot off the ground… It was during dusk so I could only make out the general shape of it. That same week actually my uncle and aunts dog disappeared and their neighbors died… I don't think either was related but definitely weird AF and I had trouble sleeping for like 2 weeks
6:09 Dobby?
2 is grey alien human hybrid
4 is a hunch back or type of hidelbergensius,,early man
6:01 now that's just a lost domestic elf trying to find it's owner, or maybe that's a lost dobby trying to find harry potter
These videos can easily be faked.
Can I watch this video or not? Maybe I just lying
*"What was that?"
*"I dont know but it stank"
2:51 that's some SCP-096 type creature right there.
6:48 bruh it is someone with underwear on his head and you slap scary music on it and now that works
No 1 tho.. that was some Shyt. That was to fast to be Human..
Lol watching stuff like this makes me think of native american stories about the hairy Wildman that is a boogfoot some people don't believe them but I think it's possible thay are around somewhere
Number 1 looks real
This is very cool and creepy
But all of these Creatures caught on camera videos, the creatures are always blurry
And hard to see. I think they just do that to hide the editing or something(idk)
But still, really cool
On num 3 I think it's a bear
Bro number 3 is just a black dude
3:17 scp 096???
Creature no. 2 – So, that's what Dobby is doing after the Harry Potter movies. Poor guy must have spent all the money he earnt from movies on crack.