In which Craig Benzine teaches you about federalism, or the idea that in the United States, power is divided between the national government and the 50 state governments. Craig will teach you about how federalism has evolved over the history of the US, what powers are given to the federal government, and what stuff the states control on their own. And he punches an eagle, which may not surprise you at all.
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So we want new Federalism
his like those 1 teacher who seem strict but are like the coolest teachers out there! i wish i had him as my school teacher :c
Hey! My doubts are over now.
Wow in Argentina is a wayyyyyy diferent definition and wayyyyyy less complicated
Hello (not seen the whole video yet), trying to brush up on some concepts for my exam next week. Does the concept of federalism in the US differ from Canada?
2020 anybody??
If anyone needs it, I have a google slides covering the main points of all 50 videos and some more stuff about politics and government in general. If you want it, I can share it with you!
1:05 awww poor Craig
Can you please speak a bit slowly so that we also can understand the program? Thanks
the dog tho
Who is here from social studies
Anyone else here just to get a refresher?
I'm dissapointed, I thought you'd talk about Federalism in general.
Was expecting John Green… very much dissapointed
no money goes to education :0
What are some main points 😩
Who else is here because the exam is TODAY
His jokes aren't all that funny, just disruptive and distracting.
I've been stuck on an endless loop. I can't go any farther than 0:27. It is an endless cycle, google it then click on the video then google it then click on the video then google it then click on the video then google it then click on the video…
I have to finish my essay in 1 hour.
Who else here cause teacher sunt then a link
Ugh I have to redo my assignment because this video didn’t work the first time and I am going to throw my phone across my room but no hate you’re making online school during quarantine so much better ♥️
why this guy is trying so hard to be funny ‽
Anyone watching this in 2021?
Who else watching cause they have nothing else to watch 😂
Using AP GOV book, crash course, notes, and practice quizzes to catch a huge w on the AP EXAM. Here's hoping I CRUSH the exam
AP Exaaaammmm
Woodrow Wilson, FDR, and LBJ ruined everything. FDR ruined dual federalism. I know that now. Dammit.
Who is here in 2020 trying to figure out how/why our fed/state government are handling COVID issues?
I clicked to be educated but instead I got a bad comedy routine. For those who come to learn, the humor is distracting, for those who are not interested in learning, they won’t retain much of the information anyway. Keep your day job and stick to the facts.
I want to see this man get his wish of finally punching a bald eagle…
Looks like we need to appeal for a project grant, boys.
this makes no sense
2020 gang where you at?
Really? Not one comment about this guy being "wheezywaiter" 😹 Hello?!
Discuss the principals associated with federal state thank you sir
Good morning thank you for your teachings please what are the two main perspative of federalism
this is what i need to watch for online classes now
who rules?
2020 anyone?