Rare Majestic Animals Caught On Camera

Rare Majestic Animals Caught On Camera
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In this compilation video, we have a look at some rare beautiful animals from all over the world.

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About the Author: The UNBELIEVABLE


  1. I like your videos….. But I'm having difficulty accepting usage of videos of rare or endangered animals clearly being used as pets. I absolutely hate that usage. I'm not a fan of zoo's either

  2. Not many rare species here, they are just albinos, which ofcourse is rare. Some of the animals are filmed in special light, so they appear more colourful. The guy walking with the tiger has a smaller brain than the tiger.

  3. Beautiful! I especially liked the white Elk which wasn't an albino and the white Peacock. Albinos aren't that attractive with their pink eyes and pink noses.

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