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Paranormal Investigators, Sam and Colby, take @KallmeKris to the Demonic Goatman’s bridge… aka Buzzfeed Unsolved ‘s Shane Madej’s bridge. At night this terrifying portal helped the ghost hunters catch haunted evidence like never before… especially when CelinaSpookyBoo warned them of the scary demon.
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Huge thanks to David from Haunted Rooms America for the tour!
And thanks to Becky Vickers for the amazing Interview!
Read Her Book! https://www.amazon.com/Secrets-Goatmans-Bridge-Paranormal-Encounters/dp/0692185216/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2BNUAM520JB8D&keywords=becky+vickers&qid=1654976309&sprefix=becky+vickers%2Caps%2C106&sr=8-1
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Editor: Sam and Colby
Asst Editor: Benjamin Cook
Producer: Zach Bell
PA: Samantha Wolf
This is where we got our Ghost Equipment (affiliate):
Music Used: https://share.epidemicsound.com/06bf3e
Friends in Video:
Kris: @Kallmekris
Celina: @Celina SpookyBoo
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COLBY: https://www.youtube.com/c/ColbyBrock
SAM: https://www.youtube.com/c/SamGolbach
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Twitter: @SamandColby
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#SamandColby #Empath #haunted
About: Sam and Colby create haunted, exploration videos on this channel. Some series include Stanley Hotel, Hell Week, The Queen Mary, and most recently, The Conjuring Series. Subscribe to explore, travel, go ghost hunting, and watch some scary content!
The Demon on Goatman’s Bridge (w/ KallmeKris) | Sam and Colby
Sam and Colby
Can't believe Celina's prophecy came true… in a weird way. And let's get 500K on our React Channel ASAP youtube.com/c/SamandColbyReacts
Does the unlock mean they unlocked the portal
This is Wierd to me because when it said scratch at the time of 14:13 I was scratching my back
At 38:20 when the talk box said “Under the….” For the more haunted spot, I bet you anything that it was referring to “Under the bridge” where those ghost hunters did their ritual, and where the man who toured you said he would never go.🤔
I want to get the snake you bring me here I’m taking ever animal in those woods I got my tarantula on my arm r
I think desease and psychic was talking about how Celina got sick before she was supossed to come then she had the premonition on the pain
i once heard that 'they' always know when someone is going to come even before we know we are going there and maybe that's why they show that vision to celina
bring chief ceef and the demons will be scared
Yeah 😂
Celina might have been completely right if Sam was to have not catched up with Colby and Kris and whatever was chasing them got Sam
I’m standing on your bridge goat man
It said come find me under the bridge
About 6:03 there is like a little laugh/hehe or something like that
29:53 and 38:02
Unlocked & Locked in may have a connection. Oscar, aka the goat man, when he was killed, he was hung, right? Is it that he was talking about how he was locked into the rope? Get what I mean? Or when he was ambushed, he was locked in the cults trap. Think about it…Or is it a different story? What really happened? Was Oscar trying to tell them the story?
And another one
Sam said he heard “it didn’t work”
Maybe the spirit or demon tried to touch Colby, but it didn’t work, and It was telling that to other spirits, or just sam? It was saying a lot about Colby, and Colby did say it couldn’t touch him because of the cross necklace, maybe it wanted to test it. “It didn’t work”…Did the spirit or demon try to possess, or maybe something else, to Colby? Then, a few seconds later, it says “nothing” maybe it tried it again, and it didn’t work. And yet again, a few seconds later, it says “life” and “forever”….It wants Colby to help it have life forever by taking him over..? THEN it says “I own it” and “body” again, I think this spirit or demon is trying to take over or possess Colby to get Infinite life. This may not be connected, but it’s a guess nevertheless. What do y’all think?
Ur awesome
Sam and kris look so much alike
It was a few months ago but I had a dream and from 31:19 to 34:45 matched perfectly and I remember seeing Colby and kris screaming in the middle of the woods
bro the disease is COVID-19
They want kris remember body life, the one guy who drank poison what if it him
Unlock: Unlock The GATES OF HELL :l
That snake looked to be a juvenile copperhead good thing yall backed off..stay safe yall ❤❤
Part two plzzzz 100k like for part twoooo
Bro when my dad was a firefighter he responded to something on the bridge and he said his hairs were standing up the whole time
I was scratch my arm when it said scratch that scared me so bad
I played a Ouija board in my attic with my cousins
44:58–45:00 you can hear a horn but kris didn’t honk it that time?!?
39:27 I'm gonna do this so I can watch it when I get back from school ;-;
Guys did y’all notice the light behind colby ?@40:32
When it said leaders scratched it probably was talking about the KKK leader scratching him
Y’all missed a guy screaming and 45:48 go check it out it’s like a half a second scream
I love when
she starts flying so cool!
I feel so sorry for Kriss because she was targeted at the hotel and now. I'm so glad Celina is alright now, I saw Kriss's video about it, I can't believe what she said came true! I'm just sat here hoping they don't separate from each other and when they nearly do I panic so bad because of the vision/dream
Snakes are not “poisonous” they are venomous. (Not all snakes are venomous btw)
The difference between poisonous and venomous is if you eat it and it hurts you, it’s poisonous. If it bites you and you get hurt, it’s venomous. You can eat venomous snakes just fine (Not all snakes I would recommend for consumption, even though it is edible, it just doesn’t taste right… Kinda like badly bruised meat when you skin an animal)
People eat rattlesnake all the time and depending on which species of rattlesnake (Eastern Diamond Back, Western, ect…) they can be some of the most venomous in the world, but still edible and actually quite tasteful.
I think when u guys were at the portal and the demon said “her” and then body” I think the demon wants krises BODY
Imma kid but I think colby cute and I got to see his abs bro awesome