In which John Green wraps up revolutions month with what is arguably the most revolutionary of modern revolutions, the Industrial Revolution. While very few leaders were beheaded in the course of this one, it changed the lives of more people more dramatically than any of the political revolutions we’ve discussed. So, why did the Industrial Revolution happen around 1750 in the United Kingdom? Coal. Easily accessible coal, it turns out. All this, plus you’ll finally learn the difference between James Watt and Thomas Newcomen, and will never again be caught telling people that your blender has a 900 Newcomen motor.
Introduction: The Industrial Revolution 00:00
What Was the Industrial Revolution? 1:48
Innovations in the British Textile Industry 2:38
Why did the Industrial Revolution start in Europe? 4:08
An Open Letter to the Steam Engine 4:57
What was going on in China during the Industrial Revolution? 5:35
European Advantages: High Wages and Low Fuel Costs 7:03
What was going on in India during the Industrial Revolution? 9:28
Credits 10:29
Learn more about the Industrial Revolution in these Crash Course videos:
The Industrial Revolution: Crash Course European History #24: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjK7PWmRRyg
The Industrial Revolution: Crash Course History of Science #21: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCpqN7GmLYk
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For all the inventions that China came up with, the one they never got the hang of was glass. They had it, they invented spectacles, but they never used it to its full potential, especially in chemistry. And You never see a Chinese glass vase on the Antiques Roadshow .
im taking summerschool for US history and i cant tell you how much this guy has helped me
I would never be here unless I was forced to by my teacher -_-
I watch this stuff for fun but now I have an exam.
bed? industrial revolution
electronics? industrial revolution
prescription? industrial revolution
hotel? trivago
Smoking a Blunt while watching. Can't believe they used urine to bleach clothes.
why do i have to come here?
you did not study
i’m so high
Covid-19? Industrial revolution.
John Green is AMAZING!!
Summary of industrial revolution in one sentence : 2:21
If you have to find one like I did for school
Chains created covid 19
You forgot that they didn't Imported cotton from india , they snatched it and killed millions of jobs and thousands of people. Double taxation policy which forced Indians to go for cheap cloth made in London rather their own country clothes. Their is revolt occurred in india against cotton exports in late 18 century but they protestor were killed and detained. This is just another classic example of ignorant Britishers. ALWAYS SEE BOTH PERSPECTIVES.
I'm here just for the love of history. Who's with me?
2:18 my Favorite Animated film of all time
He talkes so fast its like he is spittin bars
Why did the Industrial Revolution start in Europe, specifically Britain? Because they were exploiting as many foreign civilizations as they possibly could.
Watching this while waiting for my ap test!
exam day!
Watching this an hour before the 2020 WHAP test
good luck to everyone taking the apwh exam tomorrow!