In which John Green teaches you about European Imperialism in the 19th century. European powers started to create colonial empires way back in the 16th century, but businesses really took off in the 19th century, especially in Asia and Africa. During the 1800s, European powers carved out spheres of influence in China, India, and pretty much all of Africa. While all of the major (and some minor) powers in Europe participated in this new imperialism, England was by far the most dominant, once able to claim that the “sun never set on the British Empire.” Also, they went to war for the right to continue to sell opium to the people of China. Twice. John will teach you how these empires managed to leverage the advances of the Industrial Revolution to build vast, wealth-generating empires. As it turns out, improved medicine, steam engines, and better guns were crucial in the 19th-century conquests. Also, the willingness to exploit and abuse the people and resources of so-called “primitive” nations was very helpful in the whole enterprise.
Introduction 00:00
Opium in China 0:23
The Treaty of Nanjing and British Control of Hong Kong 2:38
The Scramble for Africa 3:22
Why Europeans Previously Failed to Conquer Africa 4:39
How Technology Enabled European Colonization of Africa 5:41
An Open Letter to Hiram Maxim 6:22
African Resistance to European Invasion 7:16
European Domination Through Indirect Rule 8:16
Why Native Rulers Cooperated with Indirect Rule 9:52
Native Resistance to Imperialism Around the World 10:26
Khedive Ismail of Egypt & Business Imperialism 11:21
Credits 12:54
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8:10 What about the Macedonian and the Achaemenid empire? They conquered Bactria too.
Man i miss this young john green
why why do i love the mongo part every single time
Get on with the video stop trying to be funny.
Jmd von jhs hier 🙋♂️
Cringe ?
Love to see you making video on gurkha empire and nepal history
Absolutely Nobody:
Africa: Uno Reverse Card
like if you are watching this in 2020
8:24 India study
"Giuseppe Verdi, no relation to John Green" <– I watched this video so many years ago but finally got this joke lmao
John Green is single-handedly saving my final grade in world history right now :')
Colonialism necessary cause expanding into Europe creates tons of aggressive expansion
12:11 What I see happening from China to Philippines
Every great power is guilty of imperialism!
Imperialism was the golden age of this planet.
Watching this 2 hrs b4 my exam
its not cursing if ur talking about donkeys
nice catcher in the rye shirt john
Alright fellow 2020 WHAP AP Exam takers I hope you do well and I hope I do well as well
maybe mperialim was good, is fascist apologism
I miss the mongoltage…
Fish be enjoying all that opium for free
Can we just appreciate the fact that his mac killed hitler
julien solomita is the true band name generator
Is it just me or do the British commanders look like Chuck Norris
bosch boys where u at
You can thank me later
Britain killed 4 million people in Bengal in 1943 by imposing a famine
Just gonna throw out that's not how pronounce maori😅
Ah I love watching these kinds of videos at around 1.5 – 1.75 speed. Get to the point.
Thats not how you say maori. Its an ou sound in the middle. More like like ouch. Mouri
I literally did not recognise your pronounciation of Maori
1:34 hehegehecfssgtee
The voice crack at 1:34 LMAO