NATURAL DISASTERS from 11.06 – 17.06. 2022 сlimate changе! flood
The release features natural disasters around the world. Climate is changing, and this is very noticeable Climate Change!, that’s where the power is !!!! ,
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Thank you for including Bosnia my house was flooded because of the storm😥
Saudi u got what u deserve .
Romans 12 19
Look at what happen. ..
I love the content of your channel. One thing I would like to say.
I like the short precise text in clips but I would love to see the clips to be as long as possible, as many versions of the disaster as possible. I believe the audience will like it.
This is a positive feedback I would like to give for your channel to grow even more.
Keep it up!
We got rain in Philadelphia. I forgot my umbrella and got a lil wet.
There needs to be a very massive drive by governments in every country to educate people about climate change and it's disastrous effects on the planet. People need to know what products are contributing to carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere.
In my country and many others people do not even know what climate change is.
Once I started seeing these videos on YouTube a few weeks ago, I made a conscious decision to use less gasoline for cooking. I am now a raw vegan. Traveling for me is also minimal, I don't own my own vehicle and I take the bus only when it is necessary for me to travel long distances.
The burning of coal also produces carbon dioxide, so why are countries like China etc. increasing its usage?
Those missiles being shot into the atmosphere by North Korea and the rest of them, isn't there carbon dioxide gas being emitted as well from those missiles.
Humans seems to be on a mission to destroy the planet and themselves in the process.
I sure wish everyone will become educated about climate change and make the right decisions to help save this planet we call Earth.
Things are changing and nobody seems to wanna look at what's going on…
California fire is because stand on fire ring
Salvation is a Gift, Romans 6:23. Not to Ask forgiveness of sins is Blasphemy.
People say climate change is fake, but I don't remember any "good" hearty thunderstorm that's hit my area in like 7 years. It barely rains and when it does it's just sprinkling
This is warning about the coming our Lord Jesus.Mathew 24: signs at the end of time .
fear mongering in support of the globalist takeover in the name of safety
Alif, Lam, Meem, Ra. These are the signs of the Scripture
#God is He who raised the heavens without pillars that you can see
and He explains the signs, that you may be certain of the meeting with your Lord. The thunder praises His glory, and so do the angels, in awe of Him. And He sends the thunderbolts, striking with them whomever He wills.#To Him belongs the call to truth
As for those who violate the promise to God, after pledging to keep it, and sever what God has commanded to be joined, and spread corruption on earth—these, the curse will be upon them, and they will have the Worst Home
## No messenger could bring a sign except with the permission of God. #For_every_era_is_ascripture. Do they not see how We deal with the earth, diminishing it at its edges? God judges; and nothing can hold back His judgment. And He is quick to settle accounts
#Ethiopia; my country already surmounted its duty by planting 20billion trees only in 4yrs. (since 2018 to 2022). Surprisingly, we didn't receive any financial or in kind support from abroad country and International organizations. Our #20billion project was challenged by war, inflation covid19 and etc. Due to #TPLF fact less propaganda and disseminated fake news, we were suffered, isolated and can’t explore our attainment to universal community. Even, the UN, EU, US, and other international organization was against us. However, we win in all battlefield and attained our goal. Behind this story, one name is marked in Gold; Abiy Ahmed (Loret, Phd and King of Ethiopia).
Thanks for your updates please note that there is absolutely nothing we as humans can do the earth is going trough fases as it has always been doing.
I read such a stupid idea that "farting cows are to blame for global warming."
In this case, it is impossible to calculate how many gases 7 billion people emit.
And how many gases are emitted by hundreds of millions of cars all over the planet???
People are trying to buy a car for every adult relative. Although, 1 car would be enough for a family of 3-4 people.
People and their excessive desire to get as many amenities as possible are the main enemy of the planet.
Earth cnot survive vith cements & projects & bulfings ewerywere
Well Well well… I didn't read about this in the Bible 🤔
Videos like this always remind me of Gods love and power
thank you, as always. This new very fast format is too fast though!
The planet speaks with one tounge. The confusers can fork it in any direction.
If you dont fly in a private jet you dont know squat about whatever it is you dont know squat about.
How come i don't see Bangladesh & Nepal on your video??
Jehovah God almighty authority kicking the earth ass
This is propaganda bs… I just watched a YouTube video of a person traveling through Mexico City from the 12th to the 15th and she mentioned none of this
Look into HAARP!!!
The common ground for both Republicans and Democrats on energy is hydrogen. That is a good thing because despite the views of purists (including those of this publication), hydrogen is our most direct path to fight climate change.
But we would need enormous amounts of hydrogen to do that. The fastest way to make that much hydrogen near term is from natural gas — using carbon capture and storage. There is lots of natural gas all over the world to help us do this, including right here in the United States, as well as nearby Canada and Mexico.
This does not mean that we will stop making green hydrogen from our wind mills and solar panels. Indeed, we will actually make more because all the excess electricity will be converted and stored as green hydrogen. Thus, we will continue to expand our own solar panel installations — taking full advantage of the vast deserts in this country. Why look for deserts elsewhere when we have them here, with all their unrelenting sun.
Indeed, the savings in shipping alone should convince us to expand our own solar installations. Remember, there is no need to convert green hydrogen into ammonia for transport. We can simply blend it directly in any of the hundreds of pipelines crisscrossing our country.
So after seeing all these natural disasters, how many of us are making that conscious decision to help stop climate change?
This is extremely serious.
Thank you
You see everything. But why you don’t see Bangladeshi dangerous flood?,,
Friends! On May 7, 2022 at 15.00 GMT, an international forum was held on the platform of the International Social Project Creative Society. Global crisis We are PEOPLE WE WANT TO LIVE. Volunteers and scientists from 180 countries participated in it, it was translated into 100 languages, this is a very important forum for all people on the planet and everyone should watch it!!! Together we are a huge force!
This is biblical! But it’s not only the climate change on earth 🌍 Things also happens in space… 🌕💫☄️ They probably don’t informs,people about comets… The sun is also stronger! The moon change the distance to earth! The earth 🌍 is also spinning faster! And of course the world leaders don’t want people to know… They say everything is fine,so they can keep the humans in sin! And to mislead them… Everyone in this time feeds their ego… Just care about to be rich,famous,powerful in politics or in some false religions! So they can’t see the sign Jesus told people,should happend in ”the end of time” So the world needs to wake up!!! And try to stay focus,to what’s important for the humanity! Give love to each other ❤️ People just want to have fun,they don’t care if everything is breaking! It was the same in Noahs time… People were eating,have wedding parties and so on… They also laugh at Noah,because he told them about the flood is coming… And many people do the same now… Today you can belive in everything new age,there are thousands of false religions,yoga,wichcraft ”you name it” But when you belive in God & Jesus for real… People hates you! Thirteen christians are killed,every day aorund the world! So it’s Jesus real followers that’s having a difficult time now… And that’s biblical too… Jesus said ’If they hate me,they are going to,hate you too!!! So look for the signs Jesus warns of in the bible… It’s nothing wrong to enjoy life and have a good time 👍 But everything is going fast now,so important to stay awake… Take care 🌺
Free and safe carbon zero power
Not uranium nuclear power! They leave your lower plants using concrete produced via a fossil fuel burn playing on limestone. Making an active power plant building nuclear power the fourth biggest manmade source of carbon dioxide.
Mean while all around the earth he every rain or snow showers turns regular water into helium and ozone gases.
1 H₂O+O₂+P+TU→He²⁺+O₃⁺+3e⁻+E
So the positive charge collects above the clouds layer, and the negative charge falls to the ground with the electrons. And we all smell the ozone gas from a heavy storms.
At 5000 volts 100 amps, a lightening down strike links up the charge area, and we discharge that electrical current. But now we have set up a steam plasma.
It's not a climate change its apocalypse you fools!
Best work, wishes 👏👏👍👍
Disastrous events are happening because the true name of God is unknown and we failed to obey God's Law in the bible on how we should take care of our environment ( Leviticus 25:1-7).
Sharing this great bible exposition video with all, especially to our respected #WorldLeaders to take heed of this, because this is the only way the world can resolve this issue.
This is not to promote any religion or a new faith but only to share God's true life-saving message.
Climate change Earthquakes, floods, natural disasters, disease, wars, rumors of war, famine, distress of nations, with perplexity, etc. Yahushua (Jesus) said that all these disasters are signs to the greater disasters that will hit the earth, also signs of his coming back to Earth to take the Holy Christians to the heaven so that they would not experience the end of the world. As it is written in the Bible, at that time, all the Holy Christian which are dead that are in their Graves, will come back to life and get out of their Graves and their bodies will be transformed into glorify bodies that can never die or feel pain and. And the Holy Christians who are alive at that time will also be transformed in the same way and will ascend up in the clouds together with the other holy christians to meet Yahushua(Jesus) in the air and so Yahushua (Jesus) will take them all to heaven. After that, the antichrist(the beast) will appear and be forcing people to worship him. And forcing them to receive his mark, which is his number, which is 666 on their forheads or right hands. And no one will be able to buy or sell anything unless he has the mark. And, according to the Bible, when Yahushua (Jesus) returns for the third time, the one who receives the antichrist’s number will never be forgiven. Day and night they will be tortured in the lake of fire forever.
And Demons from hell will come to the earth and be torturing people at the same time, while mass destruction is happening on Earth. In the Bible it said that there will also be disasters coming from space to the earth. About this Yahushua (Jesus) said in Luke 21:26: People will faint from fear as they wait for what is coming over the whole earth, for the powers in space will be driven from their courses. End quote. As you can see, terrible days are in front of us.
As it is written in the bible, and when yahushua (Jesus) returns for the third time together with all his Holy followers, he will kill the antichrist with the breathe of his mouth and destroy him with the brightness of his coming and throw him into the lake of fire. and he will reign for a thousand years. In the thousand years, satan will be thrown in prison with chains. and after the thousand years is over, satan will be released and he will go out and deceive all nations including two nations which are gog and magog and gather them together to go to war against Yahushua (Jesus) and his Holy followers. Hey will surround their camp and the Holy city. but fire will come down from heaven and devour them. and Satan who deceived them will be thrown into the lake of fire with brimstone. and will be there with the antichrist(the beast) and the false Prophet of the antichrist. That deceived people to worship the image of the antichrist, they will be afflicted day and night forever.
And after all these, according to the Bible, judgment day will come. All those who have died as sinners will come back to life and come out of their Graves to be judged. and they will stand in front of God who is sitting on the throne. Judgment won't take place in heaven or on Earth, because the Bible said heaven and Earth will flee from the presence of the one who is sitting on the throne. And God will judge them for all the sins the committed against him while they were alive as written down in their records. and after that, another book will be open called the book of life. And anyone whose is not found written in the book of life, will be thrown into the lake of fire. And the Bible calls the lake of fire, the second death.
And after that, God will destroy the whole Earth with fire from heaven to purge out all the impurities and evil that was committed on it. and he will transform the Earth into an indescribable, beautiful, Heavenly earth, where there is no more sorrow, pain, crying, suffering, hunger, thirst, disease and death. only eternal happiness. only the Holy ones will live there with God the father and his son Yahushua (Jesus) forevigt.
Now we are living close to the end of the world. we are in the last days on the earth where all these will happen and where God will send fire from heaven to Earth to destroy the whole Earth because of humanity sins.
It is only through Yahushua (Jesus) that you can escape all these disasters, destruction and disorders that is coming on the Earth. and also to escape hell after death where the worms that eats people do not die and the fire that burns them is never put off as yahushua (Jesus) said. and also from the lake of fire.
According to the Bible, all the good deeds of a person can not cover his bad deed. The person will end in up in hell.
According to the Bible, God does not forgive sin unless there is a payment for the sin. and the payment is death. in the Bible God said, the soul that sins shall die.
But God showed mercy, love and Grace to humanity. it was due to it that, he sent Yahushua (Jesus) his own divine son to come down from heaven to this Earth in human form as an Israelites through the Virgin Mary, in order to pay for our sins with his own life. by suffering, beaten, bled, spat on, was nailed to the cross and died on the cross for our sins. but on the third day after his death, God his Heavenly Father brought him back to life. and after he had appeared to his disciples and other eyewitnesses who were also his followers, to assure them that he had come back to life, he ascended up back to heaven and sat down on God's right side.
That was how yahushua (Jesus) paid for our sins. so that anyone who repents from his sins and believes all these truths about him and begs him for forgiveness and to be his Lord and savior and forgive his sins. and go and be baptized in the water. Then the person will be forgiven and saved from the disasters that are on the way to earth and from hell fire after death and the lake of fire on judgment day. and will then receive eternal life in heaven and the new indescribable, beautiful, Heavenly earth where there is only eternal happiness.
We should repent from sins and come to yahushua (Jesus) now. while there is still time. for God will not wait forever for people to come to him. we should hurry up now because God’s time of mercy which he gave to all mankind to repent from sinning and believe in Yahushua (Jesus) is about to end. and also after death it is too late.
Here is List of sins. Emulation, pride, gambling, lust, sexual immorality, which includes homosexuality and beastiality. smoking, drinking, partying, clubbing, flirting, tattoos, drugs, violence, cursing, hatred, using the title GOD and the name of his son Yahushua(Jesus) as curse words which is called blasphemy and is a terrible sin, if we are females, we should stop wearing makeup, bleaching of skin, relaxation of hair, curling of hair, wigs, artificial eyelashes and nails, ornaments, trousers, short skirt, high heels, half naked clothes or tight clothes. Many Christians said Yahushua(Jesus) told them in visions, dreams, and death experiences that those who are guilty of any of these will end up in hell. And also stop gossiping, slander, forgery, lying, stealing, greed, cheating, disobedience to parents, must not disrespect, curse, nor insult one’s parents, nor one’s elders. stubbornness, bribe, fornication, adultery, which includes, divorced for any other reason except unfaithfulness, and then married someone else, while one’s former partner is still alive. Must not commit incest; which is, unlawful and forbidden sexual relations between siblings, or other close relatives. Jealousy, covetousness, fighting, quarreling, prejudice, injustice, Apathy, worshipping of oneself above GOD, gluttony, lack of love, cowardice, laziness, fear of men, deceit, racism, vulgarity, divorce, irreverence, profanity, violence, vanity, not helping others, not giving to the needy, selfishness, magic, witchcraft, necromancy, idolatry and murder which includes abortion and birth control. And stop doing to others what we don't want others to do to us.
Everything I have written here is what God revealed to His holy servants who were the prophets and apostles and they wrote them down in the Bible.
Haha😆 I love keningau sabah so peaceful hallelujah Jesus Christ
Haha😆 I love keningau sabah so peaceful
With all the bad weather you can understand the food shortages which the event in Europe is not helping either. Mark ch 13.
I believe in Climate Change. They even have names for it. It’s Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall.
This is not climate change, GOD almighty is giving us a warning, and if you don't change and bow down to GOD almighty we're going to see lots more of this, every knee shall bow and every tong will confess that GOD our FATHER is in control of everything
Not having any context to past weather in these areas makes this disaster porn.
🤘🏾🕸Thx for doing what you do🕸🤘🏾