OPEN. WORLD. MOUNTAIN. Check out the open beta here: http://ubi.li/6n75s
Thanks to Ubisoft for partnering with me on this vid.
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Ride the massive open world of the Alps and Alaska, where the powder is always fresh and the run never ends. Defy and master the world’s most epic mountains on skis, wingsuits, snowboards, and paragliders. Go solo or drop in side by side with other players. Record and share the most insane stunts ever captured. Dare your friends to try out your custom lines, then challenge the world to beat your best tricks and relive your most epic wipeouts. The mountain is yours to explore. So strap in, suit up, and drop in.
Pfft. You actually think this bullcrap stands ANYWHERE NEAR THE MIGHTY PEDASTAL OF SSX 3?!?!
This game looks awesome. But is it really worth $60? It doesn't seem like there is a whole lot to do
that's not a chickmunk u idiot it's a bever
Thumbs up for skiers!! YEAH!
15:12) Well I used to play the xbox360 as a kid…
Then I got a sick PC my brother custom built.
You're definitely a stoner
this game is overhyped
I played alot of Supreme Snowboarding on PC with a Joystick. Also a little bit of Amped on Xbox
looks like free online game
the fisrt 2 minutes are just the same that i thought as soons as i fist played it. Infinite air may have better looking stunts but overall steep looks A LOT much better than I.A. Its lacking a little bit of story mode and depth in that matter, but overall i think its the best extreme sports game up to date.
You kinda sounds like Negan!
Oubi? Not to be mean but it's Ubisoft 🙂
Nope, not even the best extreme sports game this year.
do you have to do those challenges and races or can you just freeroam??
This game is the worst, worst camera i've ever seen, worst physics besides the ragdolls. If you dont jump with the trigger going over a jump, regardless of speed you will not jump, its like the jump button is the only way to get air rather than speed. Stupid.
THIS GAME HAS NO GRINDING ON RAILS…WTF !!! this aint no real extreme sports game, u on drugs fanboys ?! wow, 2016 eh ?!
Can you customize clothing?
this game is a good breath of air for the type of game but the jumping and tricks are too finky
looks like jupiter gravity
i didnt know dwayne johnson played ps4
so hyped to pick up this game tomorrow for ps4 played the beta and loved it. Bring back memories of snowboarding though parking garages and the avalanche level on 1080 avalanche lol and sxx3 full pipe on the gamecube
it's been soo long since a truly good action sports game has come out, something like the amped games, you know? I'm glad this game looks good
I make my own runs by under-cooking food products or over-indulging in alcoholic products
Riding backwards is not impressive
I cannot wait for Steep to come out because SSX on the Xbox Original was literally my childhood. I also had battlefront 2 on there and the original star wars lego game. My uncle had given the xbox to me and it had like a million games on it, and having the small mind I did I only ended up playing three or four a lot.
is you're channel dying ?
Here is my issue with Xsports games, the whole point of extreme sports, is to do them yourself. Experiencing the thrill of risking your life attempting that crazy move. I get that not everyone can do that, but I think thats the point. A video game just lets you control a ragdoll into funny crashes, but it isn't thrilling IMO, just saying.
This game is fun till you notice there isnt much to do. Stunting is really random and that black and white screen when you almost wipeout is just terrible. It breaks the emergion to much. The multiplayer is exactly the same as singleplayer and the fast travel makes this open world useless. The gameplay doesnt feel like the real thing. When your standing on a snowboard in real life your drifting over the snow. In this game you just cut righ tthrough. The scenery is the same everywhere and gets boring real quick.
My first five hours in the game where pretty fun but after that it was all going down hill. This guy gets paid by ubisoft to make a positive video about steep. My advice would be to wait till the game gets cheaper. It feels like a $30 game but ubisoft wants the fulll price.. This video is almost like a ad so be smart and check out other videos if your looking to pick this game up. Lookfor a video that is not sponsored by ubisoft
I hope that there's eye tracker support… I'm thinking of buying one
whats the name of the first song?
Is that you seth rogen?
whats the song playing at 2:09 ?
You're a fuckin idiot POSER
If i had a penny for every youtuber who started there steep gameplay with a belly flopto the ground..
15:43 "It's Steep". You're right about that.