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#whatcouldgowrong #fail #Nalopia


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About the Author: Nalopia


  1. Yes, you can resell the soda as long as no soda leaked out of the bottle all the carbon dioxide will settle and still be fizzy.
    What could go wrong does not mean that something did go wrong. Yes, the throttle is on the right handle, sometimes the throttle gets stuck if the spring inside the mechanism doesn't function properly. Some racers disable the spring so they don't have to hold the throttle as when they lean hard into a corner the leaning sometimes make the wrist give more or less throttle.
    FYI heavy snow fall doesn't necessarily mean colder temperatures just more moisture. The highest amounts of snow coming down over a particular day is only at -15 to -20C Celsius. Any colder and the air gets so dry that it prevents the clouds from creating precipitation.

    Bigger gyms that have free weights and bars usually line heavier Equipment against the walls to prevent that from happening. They all have big mirrors as it's important for serious weight lifters to watch their form so they don't over or under extend their joints, as that could do major harm to their bones and muscles. Technique and form is a major thing to watch when lifting heavy weights and repetitive exercises.

  2. The guy stretching on the workout equipment, I've known people who had that as part of their physical therapy for a back injury.
    The bit with snow, I live in western New York. This year we had an 18 inch week, that's accumulated snowfall.
    Yeah if you ever come here we'll put you up and teach you how to shovel snow (for 10 minutes). And yes it gets frighteningly cold. -4⁰ Fahrenheit at one point. (F-32, then x5,then ÷9= ⁰C)
    Then we can drive about an hour and go sledding/skiing/snowboarding.

  3. I think you might have missed it. The dog doing the hand stand was peeing down the entire wall. That is why he was doing the handstand and walking.

  4. Putting bottle that is shooting water in your mouth is the first reaction?
    My first reaction is to take it outside or over a sink or be in the shower…

  5. Amber: Why is it our first instinct to put it in our mouth?
    Me: prepares innuendo joke
    Guy: Still swallowed tho!
    Me: balls up joke and throws away
    Amber: ….so anyway, why is it our first instinct to put it in our mouth?
    Me: digs joke out of the trash


  6. if you ever go to a place with a ton of snow you should film your reaction. i love 'seeing snow for the first time' reactions.

  7. To be fair it was called "what could go wrong", not "something will go wrong" 😀 It never promised to deliver the answer to the titular question in every clip.

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