China recently witnessed many severe natural disasters in many different regions. Recently, 5 people were buried in an earthquake in Chongqing. In some other localities, floods are still sweeping continuously.
#ChinaRevealed #ChinaNews
This is what will happen when ccp mess with GOD
150 degrees?!.
China's Uyghur Concentration mass murder camps, China's Uyghur Organ Harvesting, China's Uyghur Genocide…The world's biggest single issue in 2022 is China's Uyghur Genocide in war criminal China's army unlawfully occupied East Turkestan of Uyghur Nation.
Decent People Worldwide, Could you please Stand up to stop China's Uyghur Genocide in war criminal China's army unlawfully occupied East Turkestan of Uyghur Nation? .
We went to China to study Chinese language. After that we worked in China as Foreign Experts for Chinese government for over 20 years. We lived in Chinese government provided places in Beijing, Shenyang, Urumqi, Kashgar, Lhasa, Xi'an, Chongqing, etc.
We are masters of Chinese language and we are experts of China.
We travelled all over China.
We travelled all over Chinese army unlawfully occupied Ten Countries such as East Turkestan of Uyghur-Turk Nation, Tibet, Southern Mongolia, Manchuria, Yellow Uyghur Karasu (aka Gansu after 1952), Kazakh Aksay, Koknoor ( aka Qinghai after 1952 ), Ningxia Hui Republic, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Yunnan, Cantonia.
China's Uyghur Genocide is going on in Chinese army unlawfully occupied East Turkestan of Uyghur-Turk Nation. Because East Turkestan is very rich in all kinds of natural resources, naturally very diverse and vast. Chinese wanted to totally exterminate Uyghur Nation and Chinese wanted to take over East Turkestan from Uyghur-Turk Nation.
Size of Uyghur East Turkestan is bigger than the combination of Europe's biggest Four Countries Germany, France, Britain, and Italy.
East Turkestan is the world's biggest producer of rare earth materials, uranium, Jade, gold, silver, cotton, tomatoes, garlic, silk, cashmere, green raisins, Grapes, wool, leather, meat, marble, etc.
East Turkestan is one of the world's biggest producer of coal, salt, petrol, natural gas, mika, and many other wealth.
China has been robbing Trillions of US dollars of energy, food, raw materials, uranium, rare earth materials, Jade, gold, fresh bottled water , fresh bottled air, Uyghur Organs, Uyghur blood, Uyghur flesh, and many other things from Chinese army unlawfully occupied East Turkestan of Uyghur-Turk Nation.
Gigantic China, over 1.4 Billion hungry Chinese and millions of junk factories in China cannot survive without the natural resources extremely rich, naturally very diverse and vast East Turkestan of Uyghur-Turk Nation.
Since late 2016 China unlawfully cut off all telephone connections, Internet connections, postal services and travel for all Uyghurs in between Uyghur East Turkestan and rest of the world.
Now China has kicked out all foreigners from East Turkestan of Uyghur-Turk Nation.
China do not let any foreigner travel to Uyghur East Turkestan to meet up with Uyghurs without pre-set up stage, without Han-Chinese state agents and under strict surveillance.
China do not issue Tourist Visa for foreigner to travel to East Turkestan.
Only China paid foreign criminals with Han-Chinese supervised environment can go to East Turkestan to make propaganda videos for Chinese government to cover up China's Uyghur Genocide. Even China paid foreign criminals cannot travel to East Turkestan to meet up with Uyghurs without Han-Chinese state agents under strict surveillance. All pictures and videos are officially controlled by Chinese government officials. All "HAPPY UYGHUR VIDEOS " YouTube are made in China by Chinese state security agents with China paid foreign criminals.
Even Han-Chinese citizens of China cannot freely travel around East Turkestan to meet up with Uyghurs without Strict SURVELANCE by Han-Chinese state agents. They are not allowed to freely make videos and they cannot post videos on any media without agreement with the China's state security agents.
China do not let Uyghur people freely travel from Uyghur East Turkestan to China.
Uyghurs live in East Turkestan in Central Asia.
China is a country in far East of Asia.
The world's second biggest Gobi Desert has totally isolated East Turkestan in the Far West and China in the Far East.
East Turkestan is nothing to do with Chinese. Chinese do not belong to Uyghur East Turkestan, Tibet, Southern Mongolia.
China's disinformation campaign Worldwide to cover up China's Uyghur Genocide are going on in all countries.
China do not let any Uyghur from Uyghur East Turkestan to travel to any other country.
China do not let any Uyghur freely meet up with foreigners without Han-Chinese state agents under strict surveillance under pre-set up stage.
China do not let any Uyghur escape from East Turkestan to other countries. Many Uyghurs are shot dead on the way escape from East Turkestan to other countries.
All "HAPPY UYGHUR VIDEOS " on YouTube are made by Chinese state security agents with China paid foreign criminals.
There is no foreigner can talk to any Uyghur without Han-Chinese state security agents in Chinese army unlawfully occupied East Turkestan.
All "HAPPY UYGHUR " videos on YouTube are officially controlled by Chinese state security agents before upload on YouTube and all networks worldwide.
China paid Foreign criminals are members of China's disinformation campaign Worldwide to cover up China's Uyghur Genocide, Tibetan Genocide, Manchurian Genocide, Southern Mongolian Genocide, Yellow Uyghur Gansu Genocide, Kazakh Aksay Genocide…
Strict SURVELANCE and strict Family planning are only applied to Uyghur Nation in Chinese army unlawfully occupied East Turkestan. Chinese illegal invaders have no family planning in East Turkestan.
East Turkestan is not "Xinjiang" of China.
Uyghur Nation is not "Chinese Muslims ".
Uyghur Nation do not live in China.
Criminal Chinese government, China paid foreign criminals, China's Internet army, over 96 million members CCP and Chinese Trolls are producing disinformation campaign Worldwide to cover up China's Uyghur Genocide, China's Uyghur Organ Harvesting, China's Uyghur Concentration mass murder camps, China's crime against humanity, China's war crime, China's erase Uyghur Nation in Chinese army unlawfully occupied East Turkestan of Uyghur-Turk Nation.
In fact Chinese do not belong to East Turkestan, Tibet, Southern Mongolia, Manchuria, Yellow Uyghur Karasu ( aka Gansu), Koknoor ( aka Qinghai), Kazakh Aksay…
All terrorists are Chinese army and armed Chinese terrorists in China unlawfully occupied East Turkestan of Uyghur-Turk Nation, Tibet, Southern Mongolia, Manchuria…
Why over 90 years old Uyghurs are locked up in "China's Uyghur Re-education camps " in Chinese army unlawfully occupied EastTurkestan of Uyghur-Turk Nation ?
Why tiny Uyghur infants are locked up in " China's Uyghur Re-education camps " in Chinese army unlawfully occupied East Turkestan of Uyghur-Turk Nation ?
Why there is no single Han-Chinese is locked up in "China's Uyghur Re-education camps " ?
China and Han-Chinese from China in all countries are officially produced many disinformation campaign Worldwide to cover up China's Uyghur Genocide in Chinese army unlawfully occupied East Turkestan of Uyghur-Turk Nation.
Why China do not let any Uyghur from Uyghur East Turkestan freely travel to China ?
Why China do not let any Uyghur from Uyghur East Turkestan to travel to any other country?.
WHY China do not let any Uyghur from other countries to go to Uyghur East Turkestan to meet up with their parents, relatives and family?.
Why China do not issue Tourist Visa for foreigner to travel to East Turkestan?.
Why China do net let any Professional Journalist from Any Democratic Country to go to Uyghur East Turkestan to meet up with Uyghurs without pre-set up stage under strict surveillance under Han-Chinese state agents?.
Why China spent over $30 billion US dollars to The department of propaganda of CCP to produce disinformation campaign Worldwide to cover up China's Uyghur Genocide? ..
Why China do not let Official from the UN to go to Uyghur East Turkestan to meet up with Uyghurs without pre-set up stage under strict surveillance under Han-Chinese state agents? .
Why China has exterminated all Uyghurs who has spoken with foreign tourists in East Turkestan? .
Why China do not let any Uyghur access Internet, smart phone, international phone call and postal services? .
China's Uyghur Genocide is going on in Chinese army unlawfully occupied East Turkestan of Uyghur-Turk Nation. No foreigner can talk to any Uyghur without Han-Chinese state security agents.
Boycott China's Uyghur Genocide
Boycott China's Tibetan Genocide
Boycott China's Southern Mongolian Genocide
Boycott "Made in China "
Chinese from Communist China are masters of deception, cheat, lie, spy, steal, hack, copy, troll, murder, deny, again lie …
Freedom, Independence and Self Governing for East Turkestan, Tibet, Southern Mongolia, Manchuria, Yellow Uyghur Gansu, Koknoor, Taiwan and Hong Kong.
In China in East Asia, the Chinese eats everything and Chinese drinks everything.
After eat everything, if it tastes good Chinese call it food, if it tastes awful Chinese call it medicine.
Anyway Chinese eat everything , animal , plants or even human manure.
What you eat What you will be .
Even animals knows What should eat and what should not eat. For example, sheep do not eat shit, do not drink urine… Even sheep knows everything. But Chinese do not know anything…
They are zombies under human shape and human skin .
They eat everything moving around without human behaviour, no humanity, no human value, zero hygiene, zero civilization, zero dignity, zero morality, zero mercy, zero respect, zero trust, zero transparency, zero accountability
ccp needed water….your welcome.
The damns didn't flood…they released water…get it right.
The CCP regime should help their people but they do t. They are biggest gangster regime and corrupt in the world. Now they want to rule the world and now no one can criticize them. They will come for you, American. I lived under their totalitarian rule in my country in 1975 through 1979. 1.8 million of my people vanished, executed, starved to death. I end up in concentration camp in Thailand for 4 years before I immigrated to the US.
Plague, War, Disaster, death….
What a lovely horse…
Ur headline says buried in an earthquake not land slide.
old news …. why?
Damn that’s sad.. what a way to go…
Many innocent people hit by big disaster as flooding losses belonging houses lives didn't see the mafia CCP or crazy XI for once at those please having sympathy