Natural disaster 22 June 2022. Thousands of houses were destroyed! There has never been such a hail in Gironde, France
The city of Tailan-Medoc, located northwest of the Bordeaux agglomeration, was hit the hardest on Monday evening by heavy hail that hit the Gironde.
On Tuesday morning, a spectacular parade of tow trucks took place on the streets of the city, loaded with hail-damaged vehicles, sometimes as large as “tennis balls,” according to some accounts. Dozens of roofers, some of whom spontaneously came from all over the Gironde to help the victims, took over the roofs of the houses. The goal is to isolate homes as much as possible, with more storms expected on Tuesday evening.
Naturals hazards in 2021 have become more frequent. We do not know what awaits us in 2021. How global warming and climate change will affect our Earth. Watch the most current news about natural disasters on our channel.
My private Instagram page, which is not connected with YouTube is https://instagram.com/vaucherie?utm_medium=copy_link
The channel lists such natural disasters as:
1) Geological emergencies: Earthquake, Volcanic eruption, Mud, Landslide, Landslide, Avalanche;
2) Hydrological emergencies: Flood, Tsunami, Limnological disaster, Flood, Flood;
3) Fires: Forest fire, Peat fire;
4) Meteorological emergencies: Tornado, Cyclone, Blizzard, Hail, Drought, Tornado, Hail, Hurricane, Tsunami, Storm, Thunderstorm, Tempest.
#Gironde #France #hail #storm #rain #weather #news #europe #Hurricane #Typhoon #Flood #Naturaldisasters
On the channel, everything you need to know about:
chave weather, fobos storm, natural disasters compilation, painful earth, live storm media,lsm, climate change, global warming,
Take care 🙏🙏🙏🙏
My private Instagram page: https://instagram.com/vaucherie?utm_medium=copy_link
Жалко нажитого имущества
Ohhh must be climate change no agencies like darpa does this
سبحان الله العظيم وبحمده عدد خلقه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته ورضا نفسه
It seems that you really enjoy the disasters… 🙄
GOD is trying to tell the world, ignore me at your own peril, …..he's not one to disappoint..
И не одного обвинения России и Путина?! 🤪 Прям неожиданно!
Bonjour a vous
Pensée à vous tous
Je suis choquée par la vidéo
Amitié à vous tous
Une des vôtres
Je suis Bordelaise
Looks like what we get in nw okla every spring
Soy de colombia quiero ir a francia a trabajar alguien que me ayude
Europe should change it! Because you are far from God. Disaster will come upon you. The good days in Europe are over.
curse for not receiving Jesus Christ
Geoingenerie harpp otan chemtrails etc
This is called chemical ice nucleation and it's part and parcel of Weather Modification Systems for Silent Wars! During the last Olympics, Communistic China bragged about their ability to control the weather. Isn't that super, DUPER interesting considering that technology was given to them by the US Navy whom "invented" this evil crappola! 🤔
Weather warfare
That's what happens when u are racist god will punish you
It’s payback time for terrorist regimes in Europe, for killing innocent people in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Libya, Africa and many other places.
In god I trust.
A natureza está brava!!! Que Deus tenha misericórdia de todas nações. Que o povo volte para o altíssimo.
Каков привет,такой ответ.природа отвечает людям за их поступки.то ли еще будет?
Estarían hechas de paja , como la de los tres cerditos . Lo de miles sin especificar en número puede llegar a ser mínimo un millón
Waiting for the 50 lbs hailstones predicted in the bible!!! Wont be long now!!! Hope they fall on commiecrats aka Demacrates!!!
May nature prevail again all destroying the Planet
Todos hablan de los desastres de la naturaleza, si bién es cierto que el hombre ha llevado el planeta al deterioro por las bombas y misíles que usan los lindos líderes de algúnas naciones para experimentar quienes tienen los mejores armamentos;necios de corazón, no se dan cuenta y no quieren reconocer que son las señales que Dios está mandando al mundo para que se arrepientan, porque Jesús viene pronto por su Iglesia, él se está manifestando de muchas maneras, el los últimos tiempos aumentará la maldad y el amor de muchos se enfriará, pues estámos en el comienzo del fin, yo no me sorprendo, de los granizos, terremotos, tsunamis etc. Porque es bíblico, todas éstas cosas acontecerá, la palabra de Dios se está cumpliendo, vendrán cosas peores que las que estámos viendo.
У природы нет плохой погоды , каждая погода – благодать.! Нужно только сказать НЕТ ВОЙНЕ и стараться жить скромнее в смысле потребления и ЭКОЛОГИЮ уважать…
Ey fransa siz libyayı böyle yıktınız. Allahta fransayı böyle helak etsin taş üstüne taş kalmasın libyadan, suriyeden beter olur inşa. Allah
Les antimacron y a un coup a joué contre les macroniste tout de suite dessassurer vos voitures vite comme sa la les riche patron d'assurance vont être pauvre en remboursant les dégât!!
Bien fait !!!
Dieu a visé les macroniste !!
misleading photo on ad
АЛЛИЛУЙЯ! Слава Отцу нашему вовеки! Господь сказал% без Меня построите, Я разрушу Аминь.
auch eine
GREAT RESET – Taktik !!
Beautifull Strom love it
Maybe its UK sending hailstorm on France from skies above. You never know. I liked your French translation.
How is eiffel tower now a days? Plotting & planning something as usual. Oh i forgot to say. Deeply sympathise.