50,000 LIKES & WE’LL POST PART 2! In the more infamous part of the forest!
This Episode: We took a last minute trip to do some ghost hunting in one of the most scary places in Brisbane Australia. Apparently we were a magnet for activity & caught a ton of EVPs & so on.
Thanks to HAUNTED DOWN UNDER for taking us to do this!
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TFIL is now a 10x Guinness World Record title holding channel that has helped raised over $325,000 for various charities. As of March 1st, 2019, the channel will is the first ever 100% non-profit, 501(c)3 Youtube channel. Producing short length documentaries alongside various charities from around the world, TFIL will aim to not only raise awareness, but increase the education surrounding the various topics and produce a perpetual revenue source for the charities in which they partner with. We donate 100% of the channel’s Youtube Adsense, and encourage direct donations. We hope to continue to find creative ways to fundraise. TFIL hopes to raise over $1.5 Million in 2019.
GHOST HUNTING in HAUNTED FOREST at 3AM! (Warning: Incredibly Scary)
Love your teams videos mad respect 🥊🥊🥊🥊
It seems the whole team is for an outing in forest just for entertainment . The actual ghost hunting team dont gossip like this. Focus on your task for extra likes as per the title mentioned in your videos rather boring the viewers
God so boring and loud
What the fuck brooooo,!
Man the intro got me dying 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣my favorite intro part is the i shit my pants💀
Love the way one of them brings sunglases at night time
Proved that US males can out-talk Aus females…😅
Technologi Ghost 👍🏻👻
Biggest load of shit ever
thats crazy u can't play it or i can't see foreverz🥺😭🤣😰
حیف که تعداد تون زیاده 👍
خیلی سر صدای اضافه
دارین 🙏
#dashferi_baboli #laik #laik #laik
#iran #dashferi_baboli #mazndran
29:24 I heard it say "shhh you gotta keep quiet".
I know I can find ghost easily in my area or inside of our zoo is scarry at night as a zookeeper was killed by a Rhino and the ghost is waving you to come ! The aquarium there is also scarry and so are the lake with a flying ghost.
At outside, sometimes , normally after a light drizzle usually on Thursday night, you can see a family of 4 headless ghost walk by. They lost their heads during the ruthless Japanese invasion. Of there's a well inside the house or a underground river, the house will be trouble !
Noisy ghost seekers. If this is inside Malaysian Forrest , one of you will simply disappear if brag endlessly. The jungle is much more worst.
No need to go into some Forrest to seek ghost experience. Just find a bridge over a stream in an isolated , preferably in a hilly area, ghost loves bridge with streams. It's a plus if there's an old cemetery or an abandoned building.
I met ghosts many times, even in daylights. Anyway, got an old cemetery across the road in front of my house. Sometimes they do stop over for a while ! It's usual. There's a ghost road on one side of my house. Get a goose bumps if I walked at 1 or 3am. But nothing happens on the other side of the house. You'll get used to it….😱😁😁😁
I hate how they speak over the ladies
keith is literally like coreys twin
woahhh this was terrifying brooo, wish i had friends like this haha LOVE U TFIL !!
i see when in this video was ghost and scary dog !!!!!!!!!
Someone scale this videos reality like I can also whisper in to the phone and I'll say that someone is talking to me.
Also rating scale 0/10
I suggest you carry the world brightest flashlight or big Lasser flashlight 😁
I dont know if this is true Lmao but im not getting scared im laughing
Dude easy on some many F*** Bombs !
So this is the start of Overnight channel.
25:47 why did they say cruel things.. what the heck.. one to provoke a spirit but dont say messed up crap..
It was all scripted wooooooooooooo
Oooh… Big Surprise…
33 minutes of nothing happening and a bunch of idiots pissing their pants over a radio with a broken diel…
In Indonesia, ghosts no longer have any dignity, because they are no longer feared. Try checking "Indonesian Ghost" or "kuntilanak".
I wuld never go look on somthing scary alone
Use headphone…see alone…and feel it
part 1-https://youtu.be/8zAoKv7F8xI
Part 2 https://youtu.be/J9YiWiiNa14
Damn this is boring im out of here gonna watch some arab ghost hunting that’s the real thing
Miss this era of tfil 🙂
These guys are annoying honestly
Why are they so scared some of them
Who knew in 4 years they would be doing this
I like toads too 😀 im just happy to know another person that likes toads im a bit on edge so uhm i will knock out my Brother soon
if you played phasmophobia you are here to learn about the game 🤣
What are the instruments you guys are using here??
It's the ghost of Rod Hull and emu…..!!!
After looking these guys , Ghost must be saying ," they are just a reguler everyday normal mother fu(k@r ".
No man
No group no friends
Privately is real
Anti possession tattoo watch Supernatural. Much? The Winchester brothers would be giggling.