When Kent and Melanie Pafford of Streetdog Foundation in Memphis found Liam, he was so shy and covered in wounds. He had been used as a bait dog in the cruel sport of dogfighting. With plenty of love, Liam healed and eventually moved to a foster home. He was adopted by the perfect family. Now he lives better than most people!
To help save more dogs like Liam, you can support the Streetdog Foundation: http://thedo.do/streetdog. Keep up with Liam and his forever family on Instagram: https://thedo.do/liampittie.
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my boy is getting home-cooked meals now 🙂
You can just see his Goodness.
Wow, he deserves this new loving Mom.
Curse all those who do this to poor baby doggy’s omg they are so cute❤️😭💕🥰🥺💯
I wish we could rid the world of of the evil people that do these horrific things to such helpless loving animals!
It's dog fighters that have completely ruined the reputations of Pit Bulls. They train them to be mean so that they'll fight, then when they lose their "matches" and are no longer considered useful to these scumbags they just dump them on the street, where of course they'll be aggressive (because of how they were abused and trained to be). The people who fight dogs are vile and evil. Not only do they destroy the lives of the individual dogs they train to be mean and forced to maul other dogs, but they destroy countless other pit bulls who are euthanized every year because of their completely false reputations for now being "an aggressive breed". SO MANY cities and towns have breed-specific legislation that won't even allow people to adopt pit bulls now. And many homeowners' insurance companies forbid the adoption of pit bulls by homeowners as well. This leads to pit bulls filling up dog shelters and countless numbers of them being killed every year because they are "unwanted".
What the dog fighters have done to this wonderful breed is pure evil – they have so much blood and death on their hands. And they've destroyed breed after breed this way. During my mom's formative years it was German Shepards that were dog fighters' "breed of choice" and so at that time it was German Shepards that were labeled "aggressive" and "mean" and had a lot of breed-specific legislation against them. Then when I was a kid it was Rottweilers that were the dog fighters' breed of choice, and so they became the breed that everyone was told to be fearful of and so much breed-specific legislation went into effect, banning them. And now, it's Pit Bulls. Dog fighters have been destroying the lives and reputations of countless dogs for a very long time, we HAVE to do more to bring these vile people to justice and shut this horrible practice down for good.
I know there's human atrocities that happen all the time but I swear to god I want to punish so badly the people who mistreat dogs in this way.
If it were up to me those people that fight dogs for sport would be 8 feet under
I hate dog fighting :[
Thank god there are good people in this world. Xxx
Thank you for adopting this boy. He deserves this kind of life after what he went through.
What an adorable baby. So glad he was rescued and is living the good life!
It’s Petey from The Little Rascals
wtf is wrong with people
Any person caught abusing any living being, should just be dragged into the streets and let the citizens handle it. We know we'll give justice because very rarely these days do the courts do it. That's the point I'm at and I frankly don't care anymore. They deserve nothing but the worst beating and then leave their asses there to rot. It'd make me feel better
Beautiful rescue story, thank you for sharing!
Some people r so inhumane…
Some people r so amazing
I will never understand people who abuse animals for fun. They are on another level of evil. So glad this pup was rescued.
Oh Baby how 🤔 could someone do this to U😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰
This is so unjust. Please Lord bless himand keep him safe. Thank you Lord.
Pure evil
To say people are truly sick is an understatement, those humans that conduct, support or still believe that it is OK to have those despicable fights should be put down all at once and made an example. Too bad gladiator days are no more. Those imbecils should be fighting against each other till death. Just as they have those puppies sacrificed for their fkd up egos. Gladiator weekends and then feed their carcasses to the wolves for game. Yeah
What an awesome dog with an awesome story!
Dalia is adorable
He probably tried to protect other bait dogs where he was at.Or maybe a person.
Awe I have a pitbull that as rescued from dogfighting luckily he just opened his eyes so not a mark on him so he was saved from a horrific life to living his best life ever my best friend tank
But the thing about it is until you start putting people in jail for this..big business gambling crap…but banning these dogs are not great its educational…oh well I'll shut up..her ashes are on my mantel with all my other babies 😤
I had a neighbor years ago that had a pittbull whom he fought who jumped over my fence and killed my 14 yo dog..and I shot him..my neighbor came flying over and told him to get the dog from under my house..he was too scared..I've never blamed the dog..he was only doing what he was taught…many years later I adopted my Izzy who was heart and all my dogs past and present all wrapped up in a solid rednose..and was the friendliest sweetest dog ever..and she thought cats were cool..but she stole pillows and maybe stole a hot dog..and the friendliest dog EVER! And she embarrassed me more than once but not a mean bone in her body..and loved other dogs..and sadly she passed away almost a year ago..at 13..
I've met more pittbulls that have been fought and it breaks your heart..but they only want love
Assuming pitbulls are bad because they are the most common to attack is saying all are bad which is not true, most pit bulls are amazing pets when owners have a deep relation with them, which they have no reason to attack then.
"he is the best"…. and you are too. i wish the world had more ppl like you guys.
I looooooooooove these videos!!!!!! I pray to god whoever did this to this dog get they’re just do idc what anyone says any human being who can do something like this to a harmless animal is a psycho and needs to be locked up. Dogs are some of the most resilient, trusting, protective animals on earth to go through all that he went through and still be able to love and trust is so beautiful I’m so happy he found a forever home and has a friend things like this make my day. It restores your faith in humanity.!!
I own a rescue dog from being beaten. I told my husband that the time to go next door and tell the man to stop beating on that dog and little did I know that he would bring the dog back home to us. I never had no idea that when my husband passed away 2 years later that she would save my life. I thank you for this video it brought such a huge smile with tears.