Overview of weather and natural events around the World.
What is happening in this world: natural disasters on the planet of Earth.
The latest news about weather events and disasters.
A powerful tornado was seen near Milton, North Dakota, USA. Fortunately, the tornado formed far from residential buildings and did not cause any damage.
The third part of the video about a luminous object in the sky over Spain. Recall that the object was observed in various provinces of Spain. Most of the observations relate to Andalusia. There are 5 main versions of origin: 1-Meteorite, 2-Space debris, 3-Chinese rocket booster, 4-UFO, 5-Collision of two satellites. Which version do you stick to – write in the comments.
2 ash ejections have been reported from Ebeko Volcano, Kuril Islands, Russia. A column of ash and smoke rose to a height of 2300 and 3100 meters (7545 and 10170 feet). The plume spread in a northwesterly direction, away from populated areas.
Heavy snow fell in the Pakistani province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. And although snowfalls in the mountainous provinces are not uncommon, at the end of June this happens extremely rarely. The last such snowfall at the end of June happened more than 20 years ago in this area.
The channel presents such weather events and natural disasters as:
1. Water: rain, hail, snowfall, flood, mudflow, tsunami, high tide, heavy rainfall, snow, huge waves, river flooding, dam overflow, ice flood, snowfall.
2. Fire: fire, forest fire, volcanic lava, lightning.
3. Earth: earthquake, landslide, rockfall, sinkhole.
4. Air: tornado, hurricane, wind, cyclone, storm, typhoon, sandstorm, tropical storm.
5. Space: lunar eclipse, solar eclipse, planetary parade, asteroid, comet, planet, satellite, meteorite, UFO, fireball in the sky, space debris, full moon, ISS, space exploration, Space X, NASA.
6. Nature: animals, insects, plants, climatic zones, natural events and phenomena.
Subscribe to the channel “When the Earth is Angry”: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp2Ld1eSnZjiWbOd4sQOp6Q/
ATTENTION: All videos are taken from public sources. The selection is carried out by date of publication, title, description and place of the event. Sometimes, due to unfair posting of news on social networks, the video may contain frames that do not correspond to the date and place. It is not always possible to check all videos. We apologize for possible mistakes!
كل القصه محاولة فاشله لإخفاء قدرة الله القادر وغيره ضعيف لا يقدر ولايفعل والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله سيدنا وحبيبنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين ومن تبعهم باحسان الى يوم الدين
Трансформеры прилетели…
خشم ،، آلله تعالی ،، نشان میدهد که او همه جا هست . تا دیر نشده بسوی او برگردید..بدانید خدا فرزند ندارد وح عیسی پسر خدا نیست ، او بنده خداست .، ح مریم مادر خدا نیست . خدا یکی است و شریکی ندارد . دلم برای انسانهای احمق و گوسفندان بیگناه میسوزد .
Thanks again for your attention to detail.
Spain is possibly a satellite burning up or a 2nd stage re-entering
Prepólovanie zeme
Could be hollow gram, Could be smoke and mirrors and cut, Could be drone, Could be kite,could be balloon with lights inside, Could be rerun of a volcano last year or years before, Could be film from before, Could be projection, Could be hollow gram, Could be lie.
Is snow like this normal in Pakistan?
I see more than one.
Russia isn't a good or safe place to be. It's bad for the children. 🙏 Pray that Putin has a change of heart.
El cohete chino
#2 or # 3 Geography : Draw a line along the Alaska Island chain . Across the Northern Pacific Ocean . Come to Kuril Islands , Russia . The Ebeko Volcano is at the southern tip ..
Note to When The Earth Is Angry : Thank you very much for including imperial measures {inches , feet}
I'll never stop saying it, Jesus is coming more sooner than you think. Repent now, before its too late! 🙏
So obvious that it's the ROCKETS coming back
Isaiah 28:2 & 29:6
Fallen Angels
I have seen this in my area and they seem to b holographic projections imo.
Well, first, how likely would it be for two satellites to collide? Improbable. Now, a Chinese spy satellite may have been shot down, or a meteorite is more likely
powerful tornado in North Dakota, usa – NO DAMAGE.
volcanic eruption in russia – the plume was directed AWAY from the populated areas…
(THE repentance) …Could it be that GOD'S HEART IS SOFTENING towards the u.s.a., and putin? ONLY HE WOULD KNOW…
…If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land…
ohh my gochi
Catfishz corner channel
Swing low sweet chariot and take me home 🧕🏽
Овцы в Пакистане очумели😮
Очередное рукотворное шоу Илона Маска.😮🤣🤣🤣
Embrace yourselves with prayers and repentance of sins as we approaching the full force of God's Warth. See the signs of the Apocalypse across the globe prepared for us by Jesus second caming. Pray, pray and pray to Our Lord God Almighty. Blessings 🙏 be at peace ➕ Amen 😔
Space debris man made
2:24 that cloud kinda looks like a Dinosaur
El Rey de Espana
Escucha Carlos
Estamos estacionando nuestros narcos en todas las fronteras de Espana, incluidas las vias fluviales…y Gran Canarian, Malta y Andalusia…y Todo El Camino hasta el Pais Vasco rodeando Victoria Gasteiz hasta Bil Bao toda la Costa y la region Montanosa..
Sabemos que Estas Listo
Tambien entramos Madrid
Mantente e Salvo
There will be signs and wonders in the heavens.
Spain..to Carlos the King of Espania…
Message from NIBURU
The ships are from Nebuchadnezzar our Military Fleet..We Are In.
Space x
It is just a hologram, nothing is for real, they have invented this for years to scare incompetent people up for no reason at all
None of the five options reg the fireball over Spain.
Read the Bible, Revelation Chapter 6.
All the climatic events are foretold, if you read with understanding.
Most obvious since we're passing through more then one meteor shower and an astroid passed over leaving a trail of debris. Fire in the sky.
I love how they shovel the slippery snow so they can get to the slippery mud. Makes sense to me.
6 transformers
Why wasn't that in the news of meteors in Spain?
قال الله تعالى ((( ظهر الفساد في البر و البحر بما كسبت ايدي الناس ليذيقهم بعض الذي عملوا لعلهم يرجعون ))) صدق الله العظيم
قال الله تعالى ((( و اتقوا فتنة لا تصيبن الذين ظلموا منكم خاصة و اعلموا أن الله شديد العقاب ))) صدق الله العظيم
Mis respetos para el volcán. Hasta el sabe las mentiras
운석충동 같네요! 폭설이나 화산도 자주 일어나는건 아니지만 주기가 있는거 같아요.
Misericórdia meu Deus qui tristeza
For me are UFO in a secret battle in the sky……….
That is a shot down ship breaking up, there is a war going on in space and our friends are helping us along with space force.
Un volcán debe de hacer erupción de vez en cuando eso no es de otro mundo en mi Costa Rica siempre hay volcanes en erupción eso no es noticia
What goes up…