#thecyclefrontier #somekindadog #sniper
Yo bois, IF you are reading this then i am probably live on Twitch. Come swing by after the video and get some drops https://www.twitch.tv/somekindadog
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The Cycle PVP
The cycle k mark farm
The cycle earn money fast
The cycle frontier how to gain money
the cycle frontier funny moments
open world
escape from tarkov
sniping gameplay
the cycle frontier
the cycle beta sniping
the cycle frontier gameplay
the cycle
somekindadog cycle
the cycle bulldog
the cycle best shotgun
the cycle best money run
the cycle Sniping
the cycle sniper
Yesssssssssirrrrrr. I swear I look forward to seeing your vids bro. Just something about them. It’s funny, good pvp, and kinda relaxing. Keep it going!
your friend was wrong about the blue stims btw, they are NOT 6k, they are 4,600 compared to 3k for green stims. They are very worth it IMO
How are you alt looking?????!
Cool Game Play
Best content creator for Cycle by far. Remind me of FairTx, my favorite Tarkov boi.
watching doggy to satisfy my purple fantasy
I need to find a chad like you to really teach me the ways of the sweatlord chad.
U are the best man, I believe u are the best the cycle content creator.
excited to watch more of your vids!
Yeah I kinda hated how my progression was going slow, now I see I can just slap these kids for their guns Hahaa
Cant blame ya for using it, since everyone does, but nade spamming needs to go, cheap nonsense.
bro your nades and snipes are actually insaneee easily the best pvp player i've seen
if you insure with aurom or whatever its called shit disappears like this guys gun 7::45
pretty ez to kill people with white and green armour lol
You're lucky not finding any obvious cheater on this map
pretty solid gameplay bro, good content! def subbing! lovin the content and enjoying the game so far (except cheaters on this map)
Will be interesting to see how your game play style changes if they ever nerf nades.
Not gonna lie but the brute for some reason looks like its doing less dmg than it should, 1 mag on a white guy and he's still kicking? Mental.
Amazing content as always, also agree with what you said at the end about cheaters, I have been grinding this game since release and have came across 2 cheaters tops but maybe I'm just lucky lol
I like your voice
Bro called him a pussy for running and hiding I’d run to my guy you got a brute and he has white armor 😂🤣
Happy to be apart of yo journey bro!
You have HUGE balls taking good kits to the most hacker infested shit show in existence xD
kind of shot how ur running 16 nades into a raid
I like ur videos but the voice you make when u talk over voip makes me cringe so much.. like just rather use your normal voice its so much likable then the one "force"
u gotta so many talent in this vids bro, btw whats ur sense?
I like watching your solo runs more than when you run with others tbh
the only enjoyable the cycle Contant creator😤😤😤
Bruh the game just came out and then being this good really scares me…. Looks like a few tarkov players
Bro that was actually me the guy with the 3 advocates Ive encounterd 2 boys and didnt do dungeon so
remember me when you get big because you will be soon 🙂
10/10 best cycle content
When you first posted this it wouldn’t let me watch it big sad but it works now whoop!
Great Videos !
Spams 6 nades to a white armor high mmr
Love your videos since beta , i'm happy you blew up with the release
Nice video!!!! btw do you have any tips or setting for increasing visibility?
Go run na east servers with that gear and say you don’t run into cheaters lol
Can anyone explain how the mmr system works?
18:36 you gotta hit it 4 times inorder to get the raygun
That boy
Unfort, missed the live stream. As always love the content and high skill plays!
"siema boys" are u from Poland?
Best content yet not affiliated with the game? C'mon devs
5k right now bro your so good
That kobe sheeesh
Your game looks super clean, can you post your visual settings?