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In a world where nuclear war is always a possibility, it’s important to understand the concept of Mutually Assured Destruction. In this video I explain what it is and why it’s kept the peace for so long.
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Nobody should have nuclear weapons.
Let's do it. Let's play 'Global Thermonuclear War,' Doctor Falken.
i wonder what do you choose global warming climate change or ww3 nuclear war?
US: I don't like the RF but I don't want to go launch a missle at them
Russia: I don't like the US but I don't want to go launch a missle at them
Infographics Show: Come on, do something already >:(
I don't think they are as deadly as commercialized by USA/USSR but since these 2 countries where so different and war was inevitable that no side could win they created this overblown image to
1 . Scare other countries to submit to their conflict and dominance
2 to give explanation to their own citizens why aren't they fighting
My opinion is that Nuclear weapons should be abolished, because what can us as humans gain from it? Winning a war, fine – but at what cost? A war using these such weapons? We would all die. For what?
I realize it would be nearly impossible to get rid of them, especially regarding countries like Pakistan, Russia and the United States. They would keep some 'just in case', or just make more… "Mankind invented the atomic bomb, but no mouse would ever construct a mousetrap." -Albert Einstein
now I'm fking scared😯
Its funny how he has made several videos on same topic
This is actually MAD
"multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle (MIRV)"
Can't wait for WW3 😈
The true danger is that the east and the west look differently at the concept of MAD. The west values individual human life. The east does not. This has been seen by Russia’s willingness to throw conscripts and old tech into Ukraine, and Chinas willingness to enslave its own western regions. The east doesn’t care about human life.
The east thinks they CAN win a nuclear war.
7:00, a nuclear war is unacceptable to anyone apart from a complete psychopath, enter Vladimir Putin
We need to go back to training soldiers to NOT have electronic support or communications, EMP blast will prelude the next nuclear-powered war
„I don’t know what weapons will be used in World War 3. But World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones“ 💀
-Albert Einstein
I would love if you could make your content a little less biased and make the situations a bit more realistic 🙂. US has no reason to nuke russia even if it nukes Belarus. Why does USA even have any interests in Belarus?
Like how the thumbnail picture shows Russia getting more nukes off when it’s pretty apparent that they’ve been exaggerating on their capabilities. NATO would clean house against Russia in any facet of war in my opinion. Nobody wins in a nuclear conflict. Just the US Navy would be a formidable opponent for ANY military in the world by itself.
Russiam Ambassador: We have the doomsday machine. If attacked we will destroy the whole world.
US General: We should get one of those.
Dr. Strangelove
Let's make this a drinking game. See how wasted you get by taking a shot of whiskey or vodka when you hear him say "nuclear".
Correction. Nuclear silos can withstand direct nuclear hits and still retaliate. So the last part of your video is incorrect. Subs aren't used for first strike. They are used for long term continuous follow up strikes over months or years after the initial exchange. Read U.S. nuclear doctrine.
The fact the amount of U.S. nukes were absurd and russia had more.
The planet is only so large. Fallout is carried by the wind everywhere. The Chrysalids, anyone?
This. This is terrifying. I really hope it never happens. But to be honast. I'm very concerned. However I do my best to not think about it.
There are in fact 3 B-52 bombers each equipped with 30 long range nuclear tipped misses capable of striking into Russia 1500 miles in the air right now. These planes are rotated every 12 hours I think. This patrol was re started with one B-52 with the invasion of Crimea then upgraded to 3 planes with the attempted takeover of Ukraine. NATO has planes to beef up its Rapid Deployment Force form 40,000 troops to 300,000; I huge increase.
This why Albert Einstein said that "I don't know what WWIII will be fought with, but am sure WWIV will be fought with sticks and stones."
🎵"I don't want to set the wooorrrllld ooonnn fiiiiiirreeeee….."🎵
Albert Einstein when asked..reply..I don't know what weapon they will use for ww3..but I know..they will be fighting with sticks and stone..for ww4…Scientist studying the effect of a nuclear exchange..between..India and Pakistan ( both with around 200 nuke device) predicted..it will be enough to push the world into nuclear winter..and start a end of mankind event…
The upkeep and maintenance on my collection of nuclear capable ICBMs is a lot cheaper than you think. I spend more on storage than anything else.
I know all 9 nuclear states since I was a child, thanks to the video "END OF ZE WORLD"
M.A.D. is meaningless when one world leader in charge of launch codes for 1/2 the world's nukes IS a psychopath!
But I'm glad to learn it infographics show has dramatically improved my life tho thank you
This knowledge causes me worry
Cool. Now do one where the US strikes first!
Russian military doctrine is one of winning a nuclear war.
If Russia dropped a low yield nuke on Ukraine; what would NATO do? I don't think NATO would retaliate in kind with nukes. NATO isn't beholden to defending Ukraine. Russia believes in escalating to de escalate.
I thought the Russians had very andvanced sub?
Putin is making me nervous with all the nuclear threats.
So why are silos even used today if submarines basically make them obsolete? Are they bait?
Oddly enough, the invention of nuclear weapons has created more peace then the UN ever has.
With the collapse of society this will happen soon, within our lifetime.
In a word… DOOM!!!
The only hitch in this doctrine is if either side believes they can survive a counter attack. Difficult, extremely difficult, but doable. All it would take is one mentally unstable person to say "do it". And hopefully there are people, or some people around to say nope. That is how MAD works,
Now I am become death, destroyer of worlds. – J. Robert Oppenheimer
Better reinstall Fallout 4 to start preparing
I only wonder what kind of hatred would arise in response towards a nation that dares to initiate this. If Putin does this, it doesn't matter whether he's removed or killed. The hatred towards the russian nation would remain for decades if not centuries. If millions die due to nuclear strikes there would be no redemption or forgiveness.
Everybody: I WILL NUKE YOU!
South America: Yeah I do be chilling