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About the Author: SAY CHEESE!


  1. I feel us blacks We never forfeited our rights we never had none. but all these black Niggas want to act white now and change on the culture it’s sad and I feel like us men we are our kids protectors we’re not gonna let anyone talk about them I don’t care who you are God put us on earth to protect our families people nowadays do shit for social media

  2. Nah people dont understand free speech has limits legally its called defamation easy example if i own a resteraunt and you mad at me for something petty and you go online and say my resteraunt probally has rats and roaches and my foods expired and all that then i can sue you just for saying that theres many examples its not always buisness related to it could be if something is said that is damaging to your reputation in the law freedom of speech is meant to protect you so you can express your opionions its not meant to shield you from retaliation if your using it to attack someone

  3. So your antagonizing him… it sound like you made a plan and just told the World your plan what you are doing is premeditated you’re not smart as you think you are..

  4. It's called respect ! if you saw 600 pound tiger walking around , you will be quiet and move out the way . same in the street , you see a thug twice your size be quiet and move out the way ! get it!

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