Rescue Two Tiny Poor Puppies Abandoned When They Were Only Two Days Old

Rescue Two Tiny Poor Puppies Abandoned When They Were Only Two Days Old
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Rescue Two Tiny Poor Puppies Abandoned When They Were Only Two Days Old
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✔ Source: Road Dogs & Rescue

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  1. I lost it, when you said Nick's slippers, and Nick's girlfriend gift, and the two babies fighting over them!!! Nick will learn soon with those gigantic teachers!!!🤣🤣🤣 On the other hand, thank you for rescue them!!…

  2. I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE THEM BOTH.RESCUERS GODS BLESSING.🙂🙃😉🌺🌹💐🦋🌺🌹💐🌺🌹💐🌺🌹💐🌺🐶💐🌺🐶💐🌺🐶💐🌺💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞

  3. Who could abandon these beautiful puppies? Don't they realize that if you had not found them, they would have died a horrible painful death. Thanks for saving these precious Gift from God 💝🙏

  4. Too cute for words, so adorable and precious wow. It's unbelievable how some people can throw away these innocent babies away like garbage. People can be so evil that's why I love animals but not humans!!! Thank goodness u r taking such good care of the doggos. They r lucky to have u!😆🥰🐶😏✨

  5. Ohhh Madre de Dios how can yoi do this to the both Gorgeous lil Very Cute Siblings i could have them both but i live in Australia🙁🐾many thanks Rescuer for having them both in your care the people who did these to them God🙏know's what to do next Gid Bless 🙏💜you all🐾🐕👍!

  6. Chi ha fatto questo deve morire all'inferno con atroci sofferenze vergogna maledetti come si fa ad abbandonare queste sante creature deve andare nella camera a gas e subire lo stesso trattamento

  7. How adorable don't understand how people could abandon 2 adorable beautiful puppies thank you ❤❤❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  8. People just wrong to do that Man. Poor little guys.They need lots of love.Peoplethat dump animals are butt wipes.🤮🙏😇 prayers for the puppies.

  9. Thank goodness you were able to find these precious babies and now they’re in good hands. Thank you so much for saving their lives 💓❤️

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