Tony Jeffries shares 3 ways how you can end fights in seconds with 1 move. I am teaching you real self-defense lessons here that you can use in case you need it. I do not recommend fighting someone and I highly recommend to try to de-escalate the situation first and leave unharmed.
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Street Fighting Technique | Punch Faster and Harder:
How to Box 101 | Complete Boxing Tutorial for Beginners:
4 Styles of Boxing Stances and Guards:
How to PUNCH HARD With Maximum Power!!:
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0:00 3 Ways How to End a Fight in Seconds
2:04 Punch them at Solar Plexus
4:51 Open palm slap
7:06 Headbutt
My name is Tony Jeffries, Olympic Bronze medallist now co-owner of Box ‘N Burn, 2 boxing fitness gyms in Los Angeles, as well as the Box ‘N Burn Academy…this i a sour education program where we teach trainers how to teach boxers
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tony_jeffries
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Business Email: Tonyjeffries@gmail.com
#selfdefense #boxing
Do you got any questions or video requests? Comment down below!!
Watch next: Street Fighting Technique | Punch Faster and Harder – https://youtu.be/lL4AcmEIo20
Throw the uppercut with the same hand after it like Tyson haha
What if he is quite fat ,strong and tall
Easiest way is to run 🌝🌝
Thanks now I can defend my self next year in middle school
I once saw 2 guys beating up an old lady on the street. I thought I should do something, so I used the tips of this video and my own experiences to jump in and help. The old lady had no chance against the 3 of us
What the 5 fingers say to the face “slap bitch” Dave Chappell
How to end fights before the start : get naked
I tried this and can confirm it works. Nana's on the ground and she's not breathing.
I'm a right handed southpaw..That punch to the solo plexus is not logical for me..
You're telling them the right things you can get killed in a street fight.I like the head butt thing yoo
can you train me
Tony. Thanks for your tips and telling the bullies they are not welcome on your channel.
You are absolutely correct and it's solid advice! I can tell you that solar plex hit is pure hell when it happens to you. And I slapped a person 40 years ago, just like you demonstrated – I learned later in court that it gave him two black eyes, busted his ear drum and put air bubbles in the fluid sack of his ear canal – the guy couldn't stand up after that and the fight was over – fortunately, he also lost in court. When you compress the air in someone's ear like that it's just like popping a balloons inside of your skull – be careful with that one because if you pop the blood brain barrier that person will die.
Right hook but open palm, never thought about doing that. Bas Ruten mastered it.
What about punching the liver or the jaw? Is that recommended to end a fight?
Not an easy thing to target. You have to hit it just right otherwise it's not going to do much of anything. If you connect with it though when the air in your lungs vacates the premises you'll be lucky if you don't immediately crumple up in the fetal position.. Never had it happen to me in a fight but it happened to me twice playing football. You ain't breathing for a bit no matter how hard you want to.
👍👍👍😊 Thank you !
I Rabbit Punch Iron Girders In the Subway I saw a Guy yesterday who I knocked in the Street it's Been 2 Years He Doesn't Remember
In the old days of bare knuckle fighting they called the solar plexus 'the point' and it was considered the number one place to land a punch. Head shots were not favoured because you could break your hand on the top a person's head.
I agree run if you can. Don't get into a war of egos. It sucks getting hurt. I got kicked in the face and it hurt. But I also broke that guys entire face so yeah after I did that he got a good choke on me and just had me enough to fall to my knees and then he kicked me right in the face I woke up just before impact and was able to turn my head but booooooy that foot stood me up lol I was wobbly trying to keep my hands up but realized I was fighting nobody because he ran after that final blow. I'd call that one a draw