Spread The Viralist


All places I explore are ether public places, open 24/7, or I have permission from
local police departments or owners to explore certain places..
I do NOT condone Trespassing on any property !! so please get permission or explore places that are open to the public.


If you want send me anything, this is my P.O. BOX I will open in a video for everyone to see πŸ™‚
P.O. Box 677681 Orlando FL 32867

Im trying to make this my full time job, to give you the best quality videos, If you wish to support me and my channel please visit my Patreon or paypal only if you want, you dont have too … but its much appreciated πŸ™‚

For business opportunities contact me on my Email @

Check out my moms channel !!!
Go to her channel and show her some love and support ! here is her link πŸ™‚




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About the Author: FRANKO TV


  1. I would LOVE to go on a hunt with you. I Guarantee that I wouldn't puss out on you like Omar did. He's fine, but everytime you asked him "Do you wanna go down there?" He was like hell no. You on the other hand have balls of steel. The spirits of the dead can't hurt you physically it's just what's in your mind that you need to control.

  2. Omg your the only youtuber i watch that gives me chils and exaitment i LOVE your vids i also shared it eith mu friends and family β™‘

  3. We love watching you Franko but personally couldn’t watch with Omar πŸ‘ŽπŸΌπŸ‘ŽπŸΌ I’m not the first one to say his content isn’t genuine… Just keep doing you!

  4. The Crypt Keeper!! πŸ˜€ Suprised my mother let me watch haha! What a fantastic program <3
    By far the most humble, genuine gentleman on here man! Much love Franko

  5. OH MY GOD! I just saw this video now! I didn't know that you have video with OMAR 😲 I really love omar gosh plus you like WOW! πŸ˜²πŸ‘Œ you both are good youtuber swear.. Hope to see more videos frank and omar. Love you guys πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‡πŸ‘Œ

  6. I just caught that on Franko's wrist he has some Tibetan malas – I hope it's blessed then he won't have to worry about the ghosts impacting him. Blessed malas offer a lot of protection against negative things.

  7. I heard a woman's voice at 17:04 clearly, her voice even had an echo. Couldn't have been from the box.
    I don't know what she's saying, though as she's talking over Frank but I think I hear a "for me" or "from me" at the end of the sentence.
    Anyone else? Or am I hearing things?

  8. Wow, didn't know you're a friend of Omar!
    Love the collab.. you should collab more..somehow i got more relieve when you have the company, lol.. πŸ˜‚

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