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IslandXD ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmVHgUmSg0s
Leah Cedeno ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7BIa9iQrcw&t=5933s
Venessense Gaming ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDw_MMBGtqQ
imscout plays Genshin ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipfnXpBoD_Q
Tabor The Gamer ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjxVuBYKn1M
Agor ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBhlt-Z4EbA
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Lorie ➡️ https://www.twitch.tv/lorie
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Kiddy_99erz ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qA0p44sZdJQ
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bro got wished last second
“The quality is so good”
The voices literally sounding like they’re being recorded in a bathroom:
From 3:02 along with music it hits different.. The emotion…
"Liyue can be rebuilt; but Xiao- he's unreplaceable."
-Zhongli circa Beisht attack
If I didn’t start playing Honkai before this quest, I probably wouldn’t have reacted to seeing Xiao almost die. I would’ve thought Hoyo would never do such a thing to playable characters… but now I know Hemiko so
Best event ever made and also one of the best cutscenes
someone said "no one dies in this game" what about Teppei or Signora!
Am I the only one who wanted Xiao to fall so his next story quest would be about saving him ?
When Xiao said "General Alatus, falling in!", it gave me chills.
But what surprised me more about this quest is that Xiao knows!!!
,,no one dies in this game‘‘
Signora: ,,…“
"no one dies in this game "
laugh in teppei and signora
Xiao and zhongli 🥺🥺🥺💜
"No one dies in this game" Segnora mains ._.
" no one dies in this game"
Qiqi and signora: _
I wish Genshin in the future has no fear on killing characters, just like Honkai lol
The collective reaction when Xiao fell… Same guyes, same!
I just can't get over their gasps when they realize Xiao was gonna sacrifice himself and it became so silent all of a sudden as Xiao was falling back to the dark and then full relief when got saved by zhongli in the nick of time xd
"no one dies in this game" bro definitely has never played any other game hoyoverse has produced 💀
This quest is a huge meh for me
They ruined Ittos image here
And also
They nerf xiao
I hate paimon,yelan and kuki
Nothin more than toxic bullies
I swear if they did this to kazuha on the next archon quest😡
Genshin people, please.
Be prepare if Hoyoverse kill some characters IN Genshin.
They always kill valuable characters IN the Main story in his different games.
When I tell you my reaction was a mixture of Leah Cedeno/BranOnline/ALBSTERZ's reactions, ugh….! My stomach fell like Xiao did down that Chasm… and then there was so much ugly crying afterward. Damnit.
"No one dies in this game", Signora mains would like a word. Lol
bruh, Mihoyo's testing the waters here for death flags
JP is wayyyyyyyyyyyyy better FK yeah
''No one die in this game''
That one guy: "No one dies in this game!"
Teppei: 👁👄👁
As a person who has both Xiao and Zhongli in my team, I AM BLOODY PROUD OF MYSELF
3:25 Knowing how Honkai 3rd Impact went, got me nervous when seeing this. Glad it didnt end like Final Lesson did lol
I love everything about this Archon Quest the instant panic and relief I felt when Xiao was falling and a familiar Geo Icon and Powers reached into the darkness AHH– Ngl this was probably the good time for Traveler to have at least spoken Xiao's name together with Paimon or in place of Paimon– I bit disappointed to be honest that Traveler only speaks when it's about their twin nonetheless I LOVE THE STORY AND LORE SO MUCH.
Just finished this today and seriously I was screaming at the middle of the night😭
Didn’t know traveler could sense miasmic souls
"No one dies in this game"
teppei, ruu, signora, halfdan, zhiqiong, susbedo who literally got stabbed in-game, kazuhas friend, ei's sister, xiaos yaksha friends, archons who died in archon war, katarina and her brother, hilichurls that we kill everyday for gems: …
Can we just agree that daddy zhongli came in clutch?
Let this be a reminder that this isn’t honkai impact and that yo-yo company wouldn’t kill a main character… just yet.
Geo daddy,Giga Chad geo daddy, saves the day.
I love how my 2 favorite genshin streamers are left on screen in the end
Everyone's reaction when Xiao fell 😭 then being grateful to zhongli that he saved him is just ♥️
“No one does in this game”
Signora: Am I a joke to you?
Шутки шутками, а я сейчас дорендерила альтернативную сцену гибели Сяо
I think the moment every single Genshin player fears is the day Hoyoverse actually kills off a playable character, just like here with the Xiao fake out, we all collectively actually feared he was going to die, but we felt relief he was saved by his dad Zhongli
I love that everyone was so freakin relieved when Xiao was saved 🥹 have been watching this scene for so many times but the goosebumps still there
i dont hate xiao but they shouldve let xiao die. they set it up perfectly: the "will" thing with yanfei, arguing with yelan about sacrifice and zhongli saying its dangerous. Its a waste of a good cut scene when mihoyo pussy out in the end. The story keeps getting bland when nothing is at stake. Really hope we could see someone die from our side that is playable character or as relevant as that.
just look at everyones reaction when signora died imagine if that happen on traveler's friends.