I Bought CHICKS From the Feed Store! NEW PETS *Cute Baby Animals*

I Bought CHICKS From the Feed Store! NEW PETS *Cute Baby Animals*
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I Bought CHICKS From the Feed Store! *Cute Baby Animals*

It’s so tough going into the feed store this time of year, because the temptation of baby chicks is SO REAL! I couldn’t contain myself this time once I saw that they had bantam (mini) chicks! They are such cute baby animals! So of course we had to buy chicks from the feed store!

MERCH HERE! https://stephsfarmfam.com/
My Instagram: @stephaniemoratto

I Tried Walking All My Pets:

Feeding all my pets!?


For business inquiries: stephaniemorattobiz@gmail.com


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About the Author: Stephanie Moratto


  1. I'm pretty sure that both Rural King and TS get their chicks from Hoover Hatchery. Sooo… basically the same stock that I can tell.

  2. Hi sister you are so beautiful I love your videos 😍 and i request you can you tell me what grains you are feeding to your chicks it would be pleasure to me love you sister keep going

  3. and white silkies! I have one and i am pretty sure he is a polish or a white silky i named him Mo because it looks like he has a mohawk… So creative right…

  4. Hi I have 4 chickens they are all teens and they are Americana’s There names are Jasmine,tiana,aurora, and beast I love all animals!! And also you just gained a new sub!!! Love your vids!!!

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