I Bought CHICKS From the Feed Store! *Cute Baby Animals*
It’s so tough going into the feed store this time of year, because the temptation of baby chicks is SO REAL! I couldn’t contain myself this time once I saw that they had bantam (mini) chicks! They are such cute baby animals! So of course we had to buy chicks from the feed store!
MERCH HERE! https://stephsfarmfam.com/
My Instagram: @stephaniemoratto
I Tried Walking All My Pets:
Feeding all my pets!?
For business inquiries: stephaniemorattobiz@gmail.com
I had no idea I could get livestock from a store! 🙂 Glad I came across this video
You are so nice
When they were babies they weren’t scared you’re scared
I went to vacation and now my chickens forgot all about me😢
I love how when mike scraped it up they all gobbled
Petunia is definitely the best chicken name.
bantom are realy nice
I'm pretty sure that both Rural King and TS get their chicks from Hoover Hatchery. Sooo… basically the same stock that I can tell.
You have act in drama
So nice
So cute 🥺
That little grey Bantam looks like the one my mom picked out.
I like your funny Turkeys 🦃
Any updates on this chicks , especially the tini-tiny one ?
I just got baby chicks ri gh t now so cute
Hi sister you are so beautiful I love your videos 😍 and i request you can you tell me what grains you are feeding to your chicks it would be pleasure to me love you sister keep going
That looks like a coturnix quail
What’s the name of the powder
move out of the way! gobble gobble
There sooooo cute I almost cry
and white silkies! I have one and i am pretty sure he is a polish or a white silky i named him Mo because it looks like he has a mohawk… So creative right…
i always get my chicks from tractor supply. yours are so cute! i love bantams
I'm going to get some chicks tomorrow I'm so excited
you have good taste on baby chiks
i like them
I’m getting chicks in the spring, I just love looking at this so much. 😍
Bro the mean one when you put the other chicken down he relly said VROMMmMm
I had a chick that had poppe butt I cot it on the 5 day but I got it tookin care of
So adorable 😍😍
I just got 4 Dominique chicks at tractor supply store! It’s Awesome!
Hi I have 4 chickens they are all teens and they are Americana’s There names are Jasmine,tiana,aurora, and beast I love all animals!! And also you just gained a new sub!!! Love your vids!!!
2 weeks is the best for introducing your chicks to the others
those turkeys are huge but so cute <33
I’m not sure who was more excited about the chicks – you or your hens. 😂😂
I want to buy 2