Stream the full movie now on Magnolia Selects: https://www.magnoliaselects.com/movie/Force-Majeure–d4r3r8
New from director Ruben Östlund: https://youtu.be/zKDPrpJEGBY
Website: http://www.forcemajeurefilm.com/
Stream the full movie now on Magnolia Selects: https://www.magnoliaselects.com/movie/Force-Majeure–d4r3r8
New from director Ruben Östlund: https://youtu.be/zKDPrpJEGBY
Website: http://www.forcemajeurefilm.com/
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The dad: Its okay its controlled. The kids: Papa!!! Papa!!! Papa!!! The mom: You sure it's controlled? The dad: yeah yeah. Avalanche
: Dummy, I'm NOT controlled!
A really nice movie and this scene is top.
Love the Swedes 😅😂
The dad is a coward
First the father keeps his kid from running, then he runs over him like a coward as he dashes for safety. Leaving the child behind. What a fing POS..
I heard he is now working in the Uvalde P.D.
Whoa!!! Cool setup.
Your husband's gay
Wasn't that FUN kids? You can't get that kind of experience in Disneyland!
Wow, this is literally the inciting incident of the movie.
That snow looks quite fake, tbh.
He’s got some splainin to do
He should have laughed it off and said be knew that was precisely what would have happened. Now his family sees him a a coward xDD
Need that mic
That’s when they all realize dad is a bitch
Wow that’s a terrible father
Bruh dude sucks
What is the name of this movie?
I suddenly forgot that is just a film. My blood is freezed.
Exactly like the Biden term in the United States.
Is this a comedy?
Super fake
Was there an American reimagining or adaptation of this film?
Adam Sandler?
that dad is fucking gay playing brave and yet he run like a bitch and leave his family, he didnt even went back immediately after the avalanche
I could understand his adrenaline if he had just grabbed up his son, but he had his son in his arms and just let go, and proceeded to push past him
Now my filet is cold Papa!
So the restaurant just white controlled avalanches every hour and scares their patrons to death like that? Then everyone just causally goes back and continues to eat as if nothing happened? Sign me up! 😂
What a fucker left his whole family and he said it’s ok omg loser
he first grabs his son but then takes off without him. >_>
He'd be a dead dad if that were real
When I saw the same remake clip with Will Ferrel and Julia Loise Dreyfus I thought they made the dad more of a coward. This dad was more about getting the footage
I hope this is a movie, the scary cat dad left his whole family behind. Smh
Who else here from tiktok
Reminds me of the movie theater shooting where the man left his wife and baby. He even drove out of the parking lot. Then he proposed to her at the hospital when he found out she survived. She said yes. Women wonder why some men treat them like crap. It's because you let them. Same for guys that let girls treat them like crap….
And straight to divorce from that pathetic man and ZERO children rights
And the Father of the Year award goes to………The Mother!!!!!!!
If she had an American 3%’r for a husband he would have carried all 3 out of there.
Never forget, the French are known for using the white flag of surrender 😉🏳️🇫🇷
The way this dude continued to g@slight for the next hour of the film is what got me heated!! "Are you irritated…is there a reason for you to be?" …."I don't agree with your perception of the events". I would have left him IMMEDIATELY!!
Me watching this not knowing it's from a movie 😳😬😬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Soo… I’m guessing she left his ass after that? Lol 👀👀
Throw the whole man out lol
I didn't know this was a movie but I'm glad it is because that "father" is a straight clown.
Did he just leave the kids 😐
How in the world can this sorry piece of shit even look and talk to his family after that!?!?!?
But homegirl in the corner wasted no time, she was back at her hotel by the time the father came back! She was outta there!!!
Wow!!! that father was completely useless!!! Did that asshole really leave his wife and kids to go save some randome dude? She looked like she wanted to punch him in the throat! The look of complete scorn on the little girls face is priceless!
crying laughing