Marmolada glacier in Italy collapsed! Marmolada Valanga
Marmolada North Italy, July 3, 2022 On the Marmolada peak in the eastern Dolomites, ice serac on glacier collapsed: six hikers killed, eight injured, one critically.
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They should have chosen the western ridge ( VIA FERRATA) for ascending and descending – this definitely is a safer route to the summit and comparatively easy….
0:48 No doprdele
Grazie per il pensiero di tutti. Questi eventi sono imprevedibili ma spero che d'ora in poi i sentieri più esposti al calore stagionale rimangano chiusi nei mesi più caldi.
Kdyby byli zazobanci doma a nečundrovali kdesi po horách, nic by se jim nestalo. Já nikam nejezdím , musím jako řidič kamionu vydělat na drahý plyn a elektřinu a hypo…. Takže makám i o svátkách , zatímco se ostatní klouzají po nějakém ledovci…..
At 2pm mountaineering guides on a glacier with customers??
Don’t put your nose where you do not belong. Why go there, knowing that there is always a risk to lose one’s life? Nothing better to give your life to and for?…
It should not even have been allowed by the authorities to go up on that glacier on that day !!!! The conditions was not at all safe enough for allowing that !!!!
Who did the translation? Its horrible.
Since some couldn't read the signs, others have been sent to heaven.
Some people asked for a translation. Here's the best that I can do:
Man: I thought It was an helicopter
Woman: look at that hole (in the glacier), that's where It started from
Man: A piece of glacier already came down. [Explicit]. It's terrible.
Man: it's not pretty (the situation)
Woman: what a terrible thing
Man: I don't know, let's hope It stays up there (I'm not sure of this One)
Woman: It's all melting!
Other man: Let's hope nobody Is in there.
Woman: Nooo… (Meaning: probably nobody Is in there)
Man: Marvellous (Ironic)
Woman: Marvellous (Ironic)
O szlag.! Prawdziwa Marmolada!!!
You don‘t have the slightest clue of what you are talking about 😠
Only dead humans are good humans.
Could someone please translate what the people filming are saying?
Non si scalano Ghiacciai a 10°, la MONTAGNA VA RISPETTATA.
Some of those people filming got REALLY lucky… Remember, if something like this happends to you, get your camera out. The camera man NEVER dies.
Italy draught is lasting since 8 months without rain and temperatures are the highest of the world, Italy will die in a few years cause of that
This sounds like a human voiceover but has worse intonation than any screen reader I've ever heard. Completely inappropriate for commenting on an awful disaster like this.
Ma la gente a quell'ora e con le alte temperature di questa estate che ci fà lassù? La natura fà il suo corso è l'uomo che è fuori posto
I have long hated this extreme mountaineering. These people who voluntarily put themselves in danger and seek their adrenaline rush. Lack of respect, reverence and humility before nature are the main causes of such fatal accidents!
I would have thought that temperatures would have been taken regularly to ensure that the glacier is stable long before people steps any where near it, like checking after rain further higher if climbing in a gorge to ensure the rain won't affect the climb. Whoever did NOT check the stability of the glacier before going on it should lose their jobs. Bad planning again.
ma io la prima volta in estate che feci punta penia parti alle 4 di mattina a camminare. non alle 12 o 13. la frana e caduta alle 13….. in ghiacciaio si deve partire di notte per i crepacci e per le temperature e poi per sicurezza di avere piu tempo.
Boo hoo 😢 what the hell they doing up there anyway 🤪? Do go up there it could collapse, AAAH NEVER!