I Gave Homeless Dogs A Second Chance… | Animal Shelter
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More details about Animal Shelter:
In Animal Shelter, your main target is to make your four-legged friends happy. Pet them, hand out treats, play with toys – and they will pay you back with great trust. Get to know the animals well enough to find them the best home! Don’t wait any longer, open your animal shelter now!
#kindlykeyin #keyin
Please do a part two this was really good and I would love to see more of your shelter and mayeb we could get to see cats 😀 and I would love more animals to get forever homes
What game is this I wanna play it
I was just whaching a horror story and it is the opposite of day 🙃 😫
Pleassse can you do another video on this
Can you do this agin pleas🥹😀😃😄😁😆😃
I like your baldi videos
you are my favorite youtuber
Kevin why did you change the title it was better before.. 😐
Hi Kevin I was wondering if you could make more of this game?
keyin, can you please play more
The best YouTube is you
haven't watched you for about 6 months now its good to be back i missed you alot
Can you play all star tower defense
Can you play all star tower defense in roblox
Please do more videos of this
Milky banana
can your next vidio be about roblox please?
wtf has this channel become…
mega man x mega man x2👾🎮
Kindly keyin keep on working I hope you get 10m subscribers
Play henry stickmin attacking the tower
Simpsons reference (homer I'm going to moes preceding to go to a dog shelter thinking he's getting a drink when he's really going to bark with a dog named moe (moe says I'm glad someone loves me with how ugly I am lol
I don't like dog
Part 2!! I love the game
You haven't been playing roblox for a while and I tried to friend you pls accept
Hi keyin!
ive been here for years and your still good unlike some people
Now I want to see a hard mode or stage for the game where you are told that dogs you don't pick up won't survive but if you pick up too many dogs, your kennel might not have enough resources for all of them so you could deal with dog deaths in the shelter. Deal with certain dogs fighting each other if you let them out of their kennels at the same time but keeping them in the kennels deprives them of play time. Then you might be forced to send vulnerable dogs to horrible owners and horrible dogs to owners with vulnerable children that might be hurt. Sometimes you'll have to euthanize dogs and have nothing to show for your so-called "rescue". Sorry for ruining everything enjoyable in this world.
Dare you to play roblox and finish the game ninja legens
I love the symmetry of the conditions/ likes/ dislikes cards of the dog and owner. And how there's sort of a parallel of sending yourself to play with the dogs to find out their conditions and having to send employees to the houses to find out more about the owner' conditions.
To meet he is the best channel well not the best but one of the best channels she always makes me smile when I’m sad it’s almost impossible for me to not laugh at least once in one of his videos comment a heart if you agree❤
Idea for keyin’s next video:keyin if you are reading this PLEASE Play this game called layers roll/run I forgot wich one but it is very fun (plz respond)
Plz do more of Of this game
I have a dog named Moe
I saw cookieswirlC play this game twice!and I love it!!!
Part two
The button that you don’t know i am confident that that means the dog is loud
Who else ❤️ 🐶’s
You have the best merch
I love Charlie the spider I just got him today
Do part two I love this game!!!!