Senior dog abandoned in a desert town and he didn't trust anyone anymore.

Senior dog abandoned in a desert town and he didn't trust anyone anymore.
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Lambert was betrayed so badly when he was left behind by his owner, and he just couldn’t bring himself to trust another human. When we received the email about him, JoAnn Wiltz and Alex Babcock headed out to change his mind and his life.

Many animals are abandoned for all kinds of weird reasons, but one main reason is when people pass away, and family members just throw their animals away or drop them at the shelter. A great way to prevent that is to write a Will that will ensure the future of your pets. #HopeForPaws teamed up with #FreeWill to enable EVERYBODY to write their own Will for FREE online:

Life is so fragile, things can change in a split second, and it’s our responsibility to take care of this. It will take just 20 minutes of your time – I would LOVE it if you all took care of this today – no matter how old you are.

After the rescue was completed, Lambert continued to our friends at #LAAnimalRescue and I don’t want to tell you what happened at the end… you’ll have to see for yourself.

Thank you so much for sharing our videos on your Facebook pages – it helps us SO MUCH!



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  1. Try saying; Hi, how are you? What’s your name? What are you doing here? Want to come with us? Are you hungry?
    Are you thirsty?
    Want to meet some new friends!
    Have you ever had a hamburger?
    Like that.
    It’s ok. Is only one.

  2. I'm in the UK & we just don't have this amount of stray dogs anymore, it's quite difficult to get a rescue dog as so many rules. This is the best rescue channel on utube, authentic & you get to see the rescues flourish & in new homes. I think there are some 'fake' & exploitative rescue channels that shouldn't be allowed to be on here. Hope For Paws is the real deal. God bless you all ♥️

  3. Hello friends, you people are doing a great job of saving these helpless animals by trapping them with the loop. Just like this, God will also trap us sometimes to save us from dangerous situations in life. Just like these animals, we also sometimes struggle and oppose. But ultimately, it is for our good only. God bless you all.

  4. The person who claims the dog was abandoned 3 years ago, did this person do anything to help the little dog in all that time????? 😡😡😡😡 I'm SUSPICIOUS

  5. Please say prayers to get my TEDDY home! My mean neighbor took him from my yard… Kicked him and chased him away! He is my service dog! I give to hope for paws. Please think good thoughts for Teddy!

  6. Wish you took pay pal, I won't put my credit card online. My husband did and he got hacked. What a mess. I will check back in a bit to see if you will accept pay pal.

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