Top 5 Dramatic Bird Rescues – Animal Rescue || Heartsome ЁЯТЦ

Top 5 Dramatic Bird Rescues - Animal Rescue || Heartsome ЁЯТЦ
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This week we have shortlisted top 5 dramatic bird rescue videos. These bird rescue will melt your heart.


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  1. More dramatic than what I've experienced for sure. Any human handling can be traumatic as they think will be eaten, small birds have been known to pass due to 'stress fright', A friend & I rescue songbirds when they migrate thru the city, birds hit the glass skyscrapers or fall to the cement, most do not survive. A recent youtube video shows us in Newark NJ, the video is named
    ( Volunteers give migrating birds injured in N.JтАЩs biggest city a second chance ) The Raptor Trust made video named ( Window Strikes in the Business District ) of us picking up injured Warblers

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