Europe Won't Survive What's Coming

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Time Stamps

0:00 – 0:29 Intro
0:30 – 1:00 Euro Inflation
1:01 – 3:55 Serious Energy Problems
3:56 – 4:32 Protests in the Netherlands & Italy
4:33 – 6:39 Italian Bond Crisis?
6:39 – 6:57 Outro

While everyone focuses on the American equity markets, a troubling situation is developing across the Atlantic in the world’s third-largest economy. Europe. Quietly the economic situation has turned for the worst as rising inflation, an energy crisis, riots in the streets, and violent war have turned the once stable continent into a teetering mess on the brink of collapse. In today’s video, we examine some troubling details regarding the European Union and look into a wild situation that may push many of its members to the brink.

#EuroCollapse #Reccession #Crash


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About the Author: MHFIN


  1. I'm Dutch and my monthly gas bill went from 100 eur to something like 180 eu this year. But I'm mentally preparing to cut most of my gas usage this winter. Which means colder winters and not heating the whole house. But it is not too bad if you realize these are luxuries our (grand) parents did not have, and they survived just fine.

  2. EU is USA’s bitch. Soon all leaders of the western 'demorcacies' will be voted off by their taxpayers as they will not tolerate to fund the Russia-USA war happening in Ukraine any longer. The EU made an economic suicide while due to high prices Russia's income tripled. Short sighted idiotic view. You cannot feed your kids with principles they will starve and you cannot set an aim which is putting a world nuclear power to its knees. The winner will be China, India and of course USA which is happy to sell its LNG to the EU at higher prices while a strong German economy based on cheap Russian gas and oil scares the hell out of the USA. The cost of living crisis is because the west has decided to pay the so called 'cost of freedom', for Ukraine Donbass to remain Ukrainian, the west pumped the money of the world into ukraine (with little result) and Zelenskij demanding additional 750 billion USD which will be paid by the western taxpayers. Sanctioning oil and gas only increased the cost of gas and oil and Russia's income tripled, China and India buying Russian gas and oil 30% less price than the west. For Ukraine to win (it never will but anyway) the western taxpayers must starve. Forget cost of living crisis this is nothing yet. When you cannot feed your kids then you must decide is it worth for Donbass to remain ukranian. You decided to pay the cost of freedom so do not whine. Enjoy the western style of living while it lasts

  3. Am I right?. The fear is the EU went woke more than the US. The sanctions against Russian energy is nothing more than suicide by cop. Meaning the outcome was predetermined. Who pushed EU to go woke? US to obtain relative strength? The UK mad at EU? France to become the new EU leader? I really do not know.

  4. The goal of the Worlders is to crash the world economy and cause widespread destruction and destitution. The WEF has emplaced its agents-of-change (and death and destruction) in numerous governments. Their plan is in motion.

  5. A union made to enslave free country into lobby country yard to form a modern anxient regime of sort, what could go wrong? I cant wait for everything to fall and ppl to get revenge on the mercenary political class…

  6. Europeans know who really is behind this war and it’s not Putin. It’s the same guys who invade multiple countries claiming to be “the world policeman” while they in fact are the world terrorist.

  7. The main problem i the so called green movement and their democratic socialistic counterparts. Europe is way more fragile than it needs to be. Kind regards from Sweden.

  8. Switzerland here: at least our currency isn't collapsing.

    Energy wise, due to drought, mountain reservoir won't be refilled fully so probably some issues with 'dam energy'.
    I always joked about preppers but started stacking useful supply. Not expecting anything really bad but would like to be ready to help family and neighbors

  9. Europe and specially Germany allowed themselves for too long to be reliant on russia as a source of the most basic commodities. Instead of listening to the warnings, they stuck to this tragic recipe and avoided diversifying. Now the whole union will pay the price for the corruption and/or lack of vision of these "leaders".

  10. I find it amazing the absolute amount of fear-mongering all of your videos titles are. You do a great job at stoking absolute fear into those who don’t much. Not saying things are in good shape, but not as dire as you make them out to be.

    Here’s a thought, put out videos in ways to make money when things go south. Actually help people instead making them all panic. JFCAH

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