Link to the article referenced in the video:
►Tesla Bull T-shirts, Hoodies and other Stealth Wealth Goodies
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Tesla stock
Tesla stock news
Tesla stock price prediction
PLTR stock
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Palantir news
stock crash
stock market crash
Tesla crash
Palantir Stock crash
Well, death and taxes are guaranteed for all, unless your super rich, then all you get to look forward to is death. But, this makes a good investment thesis, find life science companies that are looking to cheat death as long as possible, these current crop of Richie Riches will be pouring their money all over that.
Great stuff Luke – what do you think about what Dalio has to say re: changing world order etc. ?
Isn't Michael also shorting Apple right now? Sounds like he's pumping fear out there to make some gains LOL
Stock price maters twice, when you buy and when you sell. The rest is a roller-coaster ride.
With all due respect but I disagree with you on this one. Michael Burry, Jeremy Grantham, Ray Dalio, etc…They are actually correct. There is a reason why they are so wealthy. for example, if you invest in Microsoft at the peak of the dot com bubble, it would take 14 years to return to the same levels. I am not saying I am not investing now. But I acknowledge the fact that we might have years, if not decades, of a bear market. There is a reason why a "smart money" put a 10 billion dollar bet to short European stocks.
Mr Bearry is usually going to preach his short and crash market stuff. Broken clock, broken record lol, although, now he's probably more uncertain given his recent call on oversupplies incoming forcing give-away new pricing on many goods causing inflation to come down. Think he was featured in an article on that statement about a month ago. The way I see it, anything he says is an attempt to manipulate market movement in his favor. Once a short, always a short lol
He personally made about 100 million with his bet against the housing market back then, so he could certainly afford to be wrong a lot of times.
But he made a lot of good calls in the years since, for example with Gamestop, before Wallstreetbets was on to it and his fund is performing quite well.
Broken clock might still be a good analogy describing him and his doomsday calls. Also shares some weird & far-right political takes on Twitter since a while.
I find it amusing that people will walk into a store and see red for sale signs and their eyes light up.
When stocks do this they run.
We’re all going to die. Also a correct statement. Where is my movie deal?
Ok i havent watched your vid but imma try to see if i guessed ur points correctly:
– find points to agree with burry
– say that nobody really knows anything, not especially a bald guy on youtube or any other youtube influencers
– because of above, you will continue to DCA through this crisis
Wish me luck!
What a gonna do? Burry caught up with you
Now you wait your turn
You know there's no return
Take your written rules
You join the other fools
Turn to something new
Now from markets killing you
First it was the 2008 housing bomb
Prior was the dot com
You push the sell button!
From life you escape
Reality's that way
Colours in your mind
Satisfy your time
Oh you, you know you must be blind
To do something like this
To take the sleep that you don't know
You're giving the crash a kiss, oh, little fool now
Your mind is full of fear
Your body's looking ill
To you it's shallow leisure
So drop the acid pill,
Don't stop to think now
You're having a good time baby
But that won't last
Your mind's all full of things
You're living too fast!
Burry creeps me right out. 😂
Damn you just WWE slammed Michael Burry lol
Well with negative GDP worldwide and Debt sky high its about to get ugly soon
Was listening to Charlie Munger, and he said he bought into Berkshire Hathaway at
$ 60.00 per share about 60 years ago, and today it's worth $ 360 million. He went on
to say, if you can't stomach 50 % downturns in any of your good stocks that are good
companies, you have no business being an investor. I think you have to go with wisdom
and experience, and understand that markets expand and then contract. Right now
we're in a period of contraction, but it will bounce back, like it always does, and those
that hang in there ( like Luke) will be rewarded. It's the nature of the game.
Solid consistent messaging through this market crash: a very rare find in the YouTube finance space these days.
we will see, diamond hands guy
BTC Is going nowhere for 2022. Probably not 2023 either. The problem is, too few buyers. Assets go up on big buys and big news. BTC presently has neither. <And, with the recession, that will not change as long as BTC is uncorrelated. So, ask yourself, what will it take for BTC to disconnect from the broader market..
He shorted tsla @550, not @1200. Bitcoin -70% since his twitt, only gold been steady
You're the best man you are the best I'm serious
Investing in crypto now should be in every wise individuals list, in some months time you'll be ecstatic with the decision you made today*
I wish you added , Peter Schiff to that list lol
I miss the Morpheus days Luke. Burry had one year he shined. 2008-2009. But his call in the Big Short was based on specific accurate information. Also, his analysis at that time was based on a financial product that had static information and few unpredictable variables. Our current markets and the economy do not lend themselves to his limited analysis.
JPOW is a genius 😆 "We Now Understand How Little We Understand About Inflation."
Great video!
Great stuff 👍🏻😀
MB thinking there’s another 50% dip to come