New drone footage from NSW Fire and Rescue shows how the community of Windsor in Sydney’s north-west was almost completely cut off by flooding.
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The Windsor Bridge, which was previously thought to be flood-proof, went underwater for the third time this year leaving Hawkesbury Road one of the few ways in or out of Windsor. Record rainfalls have been hammering the NSW coastline all week, resulting in more than 100 evacuation orders being issued and 23 local government areas being declared natural disaster zones. Jonathan How, a forecaster at the Bureau of Meteorology, said the focus on Wednesday would be on the Hunter, and then the mid north coast. How warned that Sydney and Illawarra residents should still be wary of further flooding, due to the saturation of the rivers, but there should be no further heavy falls before the weekend
Rain relief for Sydney as storms move north, but BoM still forecasts wetter than average winter ► https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/jul/06/rain-relief-for-sydney-as-storms-move-north-but-bom-still-forecasts-wetter-than-average-winter?CMP=gdnaus_yt
Federal government pledges $1,000 disaster payment for NSW flood victims as threat moves north ► https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/jul/06/nsw-flood-disaster-payment-july-2022-1000-service-federal-government-relief-recovery-pledge?CMP=gdnaus_yt
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