We had a terrifying intruder on our property!!! It was the scariest thing that has happened to me while being home at the house and I just so happened to be home alone! It was absolutely terrifying.
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Trent & Allie
6300 N Sagewood Dr
Ste H – 632
Park City, UT 84098
Espresso machine ~ https://amzn.to/2YD4Rux
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Charge Controller ~ https://amzn.to/2JJWmKR
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Water Heater ~ https://amzn.to/2kA3fPC
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Water Pump ~ https://amzn.to/2kCRkAB
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Accumulator Tank ~ https://amzn.to/2L6m7ki
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Shower Pan ~ https://amzn.to/2JhFvNS
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Fresh Water Fill Door ~ https://amzn.to/2xqdL4X
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Shower Drain ~ https://amzn.to/2IXSgy5
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Fridge ~ https://bit.ly/35pQmwf
Air Compressor ~ https://amzn.to/2LgtfKQ
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Trailer Hitch ~ https://amzn.to/2FKyYch
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Bathroom Shelves ~ https://amzn.to/2smEk5q
Back Door Organizer ~ https://amzn.to/2Jfk7c1
Propane Detector ~ https://amzn.to/2JhMnLa
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Fire Extinguisher ~ https://amzn.to/2H0hCoY
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Table Drawer Slides ~ https://amzn.to/2H2h3Lc
Memory Foam Mattress ~ https://amzn.to/2Jh31dU
Roof Fan ~ https://amzn.to/2xoisfx
Propane Tank ~ https://amzn.to/2Jciw6T
Propane Tank Insulation ~ https://amzn.to/2JfeJpj
Propane Regulator ~ https://amzn.to/2xqyx4F
Propane Furnace ~ https://amzn.to/2Jgka7z
#trentandallie #travel #surprise
Time change fatigue. Glad you had a good mini vacation and are now home safe.
I love your house and think it’s beautiful! 💗😁👍🏻
Did the Jews stay home?
Lol about the snake Allie, it's good to identify the snake but a good way tò tell about snakes is the shape of head. A widened diamond shaped head with distinctive protrusions behind the eyes these are the pits for the storage of snake venom. There is or are very few poisonous snakes in the c
Hang in there
7:08 That is a Rolls-Royce (not a Bentley), and that is a Nissan 350Z (not a Porsche).
The former fancier, the latter not so much.
The McLaren looked amazing!
Not at all a danger. (Snake) Garter Snake of some variety. That is just about as big as it gets, and will handle many other pests for you!! Great video. Thanks
The house is not ugly. It is just an impractical design for a family home. One bedroom, and that not a proper room but just a bed on a mezzanine floor. No bedroom for the baby. No bedroom for guests.
You have a BEAUTIFUL home! A BEAUTIFUL family! A BEAUTIFUL life!
I am so proud of you both. You're ambitious hard workers wonderful parents and loving on your boy. Leo is so sweet and seems well adjusted. But, Allie you are the bomb. Kudos for still breast feeding and pumping. A lot of work, time consuming going above and beyond for your prescious Leo. What a sweet baby. You both are doing good. Blessings 🥰 Bev R. MO
No snakes. No, no, no.
Your house is not ugly
You should be proud of your home
Always love your videos,such a beautiful couple!
Did you find out why your wheel was marked with chalk?
We love you guys too. Thanks for sharing
I love watching Wonder Woman, I mean Ali, do her thing, do everything, do anything, get it all done. What can't she do?
I must admit I was expecting the title to be a rattle snake as you live in a densely wooded area but releaved it was a corn snake ,but still not welcome with a baby living in the house & dogs as well, it may be harmless it's not the point they still bight & hurt you .Love your location & house .What is the frame that's by your house would that be a garage you have to complete ,I am writing from United kingdom county of Essex, charming family Leo looks realy happy stay safe from more unwanted visitors ,& covid starting up again big time here .ok bye for now happy days.
If a snakes head is the shape of the tip of your finger it's not poisonous now if it's head is the shape of a diamond run lol cause their the bad ones. But now me I don't like any of them lol lol lol
Leo is so cute and a great traveler..from what I could see..lol
Please no need to suffer flying. Have your Doc order some Xanax. Makes a world of difference!👍👍
Window tint and accessories on a Dodge it’s like putting lipstick on a pig. Blahaha
I'm always looking at what hand someone is writing with because I, too, am Left-handed, as is my hubby! I'm sure you know we Lefties are "in our right frame of mind"! 😉