A social media post claims that an accompanying video shows an authentic Unidentified Flying Object captured on camera. We check the veracity of the claim in this video.
For the detailed story: https://factly.in/promotional-video-shot-in-puerto-rico-is-falsely-shared-as-real-aliens-catching-a-ufo-on-camera/
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Maybe I Should Upload What I Discovered
Carol capel falou disso no canal dela Humberto voltz e assombrado tbm Brasil love you so much nice
It’s not fake it’s real
Her accent gets on my nerves.
Propagand … Isso não é real
A big THUMBS DOWN for a fake video.
This shit so fake
I can’t tell if this is real or edited😮
why couldnt they have just kept it as ufos. had to change it to uaps. stupid
It is real or fake 😐😐
If this video was genuine and genuinely showed us a UFO then surely it would be seen all over the world on news media shows
Excellent coverage. The minor but very important detail, that the term UFO is now changed to UAPs by officials.
The former assumes an object while the latter gives it the possibility of a phenomenon
this shit fake af
That ufo want us to believe,look a the speed it took of with higher IQ than humans do that
Entu vua ta
More fake than Trump's hair
That was fake
They have had up close clear video but it was taken by the government. At one time the 8mm was the biggest thing out and footage by that was taken. Also the government has very up close and very clear footage but the big devils make sure it is not for the public. The biggest secret just like the pyramids and the whole truth about the garden of eden is that it is black people. We are witnessing the last struggle of satan superiority.
just listen her hahaahh she is an alien
Stay out of Puerto Rico leave us alone
We need a consumer camera that is built to film ufos with high zoom
Fake video –Es mas falso que la madre que puso este video
Ufo paradise is Australia/ Especially Sydney- Marroubra side they are coming.
Of curse UFO's are REAL, but, doesn't have alien origin…😅….
nice click bait.
Fake video
Bru it’s not real
No. This is totally fake. May be it was the first drone invented at that time. The conceptors were testing it and the people on the boat believed it was an alien ship. They didn't know about drone.
Her accent gets me all smiley around the chakras!
Puertoricans always exaggerating
Didn’t ask
This is scary
two tousand tird teen? Yeah, sorry I'm not watching. Take an English lesson.