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About the Author: Neil McCoy-Ward


  1. It's all baked into the cake the plan has been written on the wall for a long time now they are burning the books removing evidence (Georgia guidestones, economics articles etc) they knew what would happen in Sri Lanka they can't have their saviour "one world government" with all these pesky governments around the world I imagine more will fail soon. It's the WEF Great Reset (NWO)

  2. 15 percent yes, but house prices in those times were lower in real currency power than now….

    You could afford buying a house with 2 year annual median salary
    Demoraphics and baby boom made it the best times to collect wealth. Yes we have 3 percent 5 percent loans, but the house costs 30 years of median salary labor…..

  3. “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”

    –Thomas Jefferson

  4. The One World Currency? CBDCs are already a reality in China and many other countries are developing their own Digital Currencies. Everything tokenised on the BlockChain. Future Digital Dollar, Pound and Euro etc

  5. Communism takeover. Starving people. Creating crisis for chaos and takeovers. Abuse if citizens… Slavery. No freedom. A billionaire Elite controls all . Simply real around the world today and historically written. Why let it happens???? Lord have Mercy on Us to keep our democracies free and prosperous. Help us stand our ground in front of this pestilence. AMEN

  6. War, famine, economy and diseases are the bedrock of empires and nation’s collapse. # Roman Empire, Third Reich, British Empire and Soviet Union.

  7. I left the USA at 79 to Queretaro, Mexico, because USA became too deadly and expensive. I was not going to pay my entire pension for an apartment, that <i had lived almost 24 years. I did buy a house, that was robbed and burned down. We need to send the greedy and the criminals to wars all over the world, with toy guns.

  8. Every business owner is blind sided by NRA required cut hours by quarter increase wages fourth percent and keep prices low while paying higher taxes for social giving programs. It's best to close down don't run at loss and vacation durring tough times. Do not open any new business. Sell rentals.

  9. I bought like fifteen depression books. I think the forgotten man is second behind roth. Any other opinions as to what is important reading to have foresight via history

  10. Mr. Ward after reading ben roth diary I found two japanese prime ministers assasinated in WWII now we have one dead one to go then it's twilight zone

  11. The footage of the storming of the Sri Lankan Parliament, is the ONLY thing the planet's so called 'governments' fears!. Fact.

  12. Taking all of this onboard Neil what does the near future look like for us in the UK?
    I realise you can’t predict the future but what’s your gut feeling?


  14. Why you not show USA M1 Neil ? Cos it horrific ! way worst than sri lanka.
    People look at USA M1 its not a curved increase , ,its a straight line up and up . . .
    Due to all your mental beliefs, The horror of hyperinflation and the dollar collapse is coming. .its definitely going to hit USA.
    USA like a drowning person will resort to nukes and try to destroy the world they cant own.
    Run now but dont come here ..we dont want your mental illness over here.
    Turn to your celebrities they will help you ahahahaahahaha

  15. Once again Neil, you talk such common sense, no waffling, no drama. Such vital information for the general public in this video….. If only they would listen. I am sure like me you feel you know exactly what is going worldwide but have to actually hold back for fear of scaring the people you are trying so hard to help. My two sons are very "aware" but I find it even difficult to discuss possible outcomes as its their future, I am not bothered about mine. Everything goes back to the Davos meetings in 2018/9(I call it Butlins in the alps to avoid the hots) I watched about 40hours, it was like a horror movie as they plan our future. They smile and laugh all the time, but for us it's no joke. Keep informing people Neil, maybe the tide will turn if enough of us wake up.

  16. Not too long ago the people Sri Lanka were given a lease of life to enjoy with their loved ones, to grow, to look after their parents, to have children, to laugh, to breathe by none other than by the efforts, decisive action and commitment by President Gotabhaya Rajapakse to deal with COVID. Today he is treated as a criminal for the mistakes of heads of the Govt financial institutions, and a few ministers who were traitorous and were out to topple the Govt. This is in spite of taking responsibility and taking decisive action to make good.

  17. The descent into chaos.

    Before the new liberal order there was an old liberal order.

    We stepped onto an old path that still leads to the same place.

    1920s/2000s – neoclassical economics, high inequality, high banker pay, low regulation, low taxes for the wealthy, robber barons (CEOs), reckless bankers, globalisation phase

    1929/2008 – Wall Street crash

    1930s/2010s – Global recession, currency wars, trade wars, austerity, rising nationalism and extremism

    1940s – World war.

    We forgot we had been down that path before.

    Everything is progressing nicely and we are approaching the final destination.

    This is what it's supposed to be like.

    Right wing populist leaders are what we should be expecting at this stage and it keeps on getting worse.

    Things do tend to fall apart at the seams when using neoclassical economics.

    Neoclassical economics is a pseudo economics; it’s more about hiding the discoveries of the classical economists than telling you how an economy actually works.

    I remember now, it was Keynesian capitalism that won the battle of ideas against Russian Communism.

    These liberal phases never end well.

  18. This video in the scaremongering business. Spreading fear is one of the easiest things to do. That might be helpful, if it is going to prevent harm to people in some way, but this video seems to be spreading fear just for its own sake? What good can that do?

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