✔ NEW MERCH AVAILABLE: https://theywillkillyou.com/
Follow us on Instagram: @theywillkillyou
Scriptwriting by Simon Stock: simoncstock@gmail.com
Voiceover by Carl Mason: carlito1705@icloud.com
✔ NEW MERCH AVAILABLE: https://theywillkillyou.com/
Follow us on Instagram: @theywillkillyou
Scriptwriting by Simon Stock: simoncstock@gmail.com
Voiceover by Carl Mason: carlito1705@icloud.com
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Would you rather have all your co-workers plot to get you fired or be despised by all of your relatives?
There is not enough money in the universe to get me to kill my spouse or anyone else for that matter, I prefer my freedom.
When sports goes wrong
When running away from home goes wrong
When tractors go wrong
My list is all over the place lol
You should do When looking Beautiful goes wrong
When being wrong goes wrong
Kinda stupid to charge that Judge Brett Kavanaugh suspect with attempted murder as he never actually tried killing him and literally told on himself before he did anything. Not a chance in hell that charge will stick.
#Both Having either or is an oxymoron no one should welcome, & or allow to persists in their life! Hence, if either or insist, then I’d encourage both to continue doing so without me! #Both
When being wrong goes wrong
I never suggest video ideas anymore because I’ve suggested so many and haven’t seen any of them ahaha. #wallflower
What about when Kyle’s go wrong?
Standing tall fuck these culture vultures. 🤣😭 I love this username so much. Very creative.
The Good old Burque "Albuquerque" shoot crime bad here.. you should of done one on Victoria Martin that's a twisted crime here there barley doing the trial
You can get more information on the Suzanne Morphew case from watching Adventures With Purpose, who were asked to go to Colorado to help search for her. https://youtu.be/uwuF5lLnvOA
Comrade Trudeau is a tyrant yet I don't wish death.
Hi, my name's Bob. ["Hi Bob!"] & I'm a sucker for tacky fake lashes. Been 6wks clean as of tod- 😲… *deep breath*… ok I'm fine. Everything is fi- ["Step away from the thumbnail, Bob, & put ur hands where we can see 'em!" ]
I would rather have my relatives despise me because at least I can keep earning a buck where with the other way I obviously couldn't. Plus, there are times where relatives, being who they are, think that gives them the authority to shoot off their mouths and tell you how you should run your life when they have ABSOLUTELY no reason or license to do so.
When beauty salon goes wrong